The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Robert NIXON of London [10100]
Lucretia WILSON [10101]
George RUSSELL [10128]
Susannah WYATT [31152]
Rev Robert NIXON [10098]
Ann RUSSELL [10099]

Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell NIXON [1203]


Family Links

1. Frances Maria STREATFIELD [10994]

2. Anna Maria WOODCOCK [10972]
3. Flora Elizabeth Agnes MULLER [10094]

Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell NIXON [1203]

  • Born: 1 Aug 1803, North Cray KEN
  • Marriage (1): Frances Maria STREATFIELD [10994] in 1829
  • Marriage (2): Anna Maria WOODCOCK [10972] on 5 Dec 1836 in St James Dover
  • Marriage (3): Flora Elizabeth Agnes MULLER [10094] in 1870
  • Died: 7 Apr 1879, Lake Maggorie Italy aged 75
  • Buried: Stresa Italy

bullet  General Notes:

Francis was the first Bishop of Tasmania 1842 - 1863. He was an eloquent preacher and active churchman campaigning against the evils of transportation to the Australian colony. He resigned due to poor health to a living in Yorkshire, retiring to Lake Maggiore where he died.

The Rev. Francis Russell Nixon Entered: 1822; D.D. 1847, incorp. from Oxford. [2nd s. of the Rev. Robert (Christ Church, Oxford, 1776). B. Aug. 1, 1803. School, Merchant Taylors'.] Matric. from St John's College, Oxford, July 1, 1822; B.A. (Oxford) 1827; M.A. (Oxford) 1841; D.D. (Oxford) 1842. Fellow of St John's College, Oxford. Ord. deacon (Oxford) 1827; priest, 1828; C. of Leyton, Essex. C. of Sevenoaks. P.C. of Plaistow, Essex. Chaplain at Naples, 1833-5. V. of Sandgate, Kent, 1836-8. V. of Ash-next-Wingham, 1838-42. A Six preacher in Canterbury Cathedral. Bishop of Tasmania, 1842-63. R. of Bolton Percy, Yorks., 1864-5. Author, History of Merchant Taylors' School; Lectures on the Catechism, etc. Retired to Lake Maggiore, where he died, Apr. 7, 1879. Brother of the next. (Merchant Taylors' Sch. Reg.; Boase, II. 1154; Crockford; D.N.B.)

Francis when he was 7 followed his elder brother George, to Merchant Taylor's School which was situated then in Suffolk Lane, off Cannon Street, and close to what is now Cannon Street station, City of London. He was at the school for 11 years, 8 of which he was in the Sixth Form. It seems quite astonishing that a pupil had to endure 8 years in the same class He was a monitor for 4 years, and was the Head Monitor before he finally left the school. For the most part of his school days at Merchant Taylor's, he boarded with the Rev. H.B. Wilson who lived at No. 27 Walbrook no more than 5 minutes walk to the school. Some 50 years later when in retirement, Francis had clear memories of his schooldays, and he highlighted some of these in a letter he wrote on the 12 August 1878 from Thun in Switzerland to a fellow Old Merchant Taylor pupil by the name of Mason*: "It was quite a reminiscence of old times reading your graphic account of your old Merchant Taylor days. How scandalous was the education at that time How miserably deficient in everything that could deserve the name. Utterly unprincipled was that old hypocrite "M" to be, I gave him credit for more worldly wisdom than to admit the reason why he did not remove you when you were head of Form. In these days, an appeal to the "Company" would have settled the matter to his discomfiture. We were too young then to understand these matters, and too much under the discipline of the cane to rebel. But we boys did once rebel most successfully - we "booked" him out of the boarders' room, over the hall, into the dining room, where the books came rattling and thundering against the closely locked door. We had the satisfaction of seeing visible marks of our prowess on the "old crumpet's" face, as you may imagine he paid us off afterwards. It was mighty little that I learnt during my more than 12 years at Merchant Taylor's - for eight of which I was in the Sixth form, four of which eight were passed at the Monitor's table. All is now, as you know, altered; the school itself is pulled down, and the establishment removed to it's new headquarters in Charterhouse Square. It numbers now, I believe, over six hundred boys, and holds it's own at the two great universities"
*Thomas Mason, see Australian Dictionary of Biography

Francis went up to St John's College, Oxford, where he matriculated on the 1st July 1822, just one month before his 19 birthday. He got his B.A. (third class in classics) in 1827, and he was ordained as a priest in the same year. He got his M.A. in 1841 and D.D. in 1842. One of his earlier appointments was as the chaplain to the British Consulate in Naples where there was a large and influential English community. And, then he became Rector in the parish of Sandgate (now part of Folkestone), Kent in January 1836. Some two years later he was given the incumbency of Ash-next-Sandwich in Kent by Archbishop William Howley who clearly thought highly of Francis for he also appointed him as one of the six preachers in Canterbury Cathedral.
Within two years of leaving school he had written and published a 33 page book called The history of Merchant Taylors' school, with five lithographic views (published by Taylor & Hessey in 1823).
Francis had inherited his father's talent for drawing and painting.
Whilst the incumbent at Ash-next-Sandwich he wrote a 600 page volume entitled Lectures, historical, doctrinal, and practical on the Catechism of the Church of England. This was written to raise funds for his church in Ash. In later life he wrote another book called The cruise of the Beacon: a narrative of a visit to the islands in Bass's Straits, published by Bell & Daldy of Fleet Street, London in 1857.

It transpires that Francis was not only an extremely intelligent man, but he was also fanatically energetic and very determined and purposeful in everything he set our to do. And whilst his creative writing may not have set the world on fire, it seems his oratory almost did. It seems he was a very powerful and passionate orator, hence his appointment as a "Six Preacher" in Canterbury Cathedral. During this period he became Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, a post that he held until 1842. He was duly rewarded for his contribution to the Church by his appointment on the 21 August 1842 as the Bishop of Tasmania - indeed, he became the first Bishop of Tasmania. Three days later he was consecrated, together with four other newly appointed bishops, in Westminster Abbey. This event was reported in the Illustrated London News.

He and his family, servants, and others in his party sailed for Tasmania on the s.s. Duke of Roxburgh on 7 Mar 1843. After the death at sea of his daughter Francis, but an otherwise comfortable 4 months voyage, Francis arrived in Hobart. As the first Bishop he had political as well as religious duties. On arrival he took "the oath" and was received as a member of the Executive Council. His letters patent were read; these created Van Diemen's Land as a separate diocese, St Davids's church became a Cathedral, and Hobart Town became Hobart City. One might have thought that everything in the garden was rosy, and that an easy-going, uncomplicated, and tranquil life awaited them in this penal colony. But this was anything but the case!

L. Robson, in his History of Tasmania, wrote of the period before the arrival of Bishop Nixon, "The situation was ripe for conflict between Church and State." And indeed, Bishop Nixon's career from that day forward was pitted with conflicts and confrontations, either between himself and representatives of the State, or between himself and other members of the Church".
Soon after his arrival the Governor of Tasmania changed to one Sir Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, before the establishment of a bishopric in Tasmania with the arrival of Francis, the Governor held sway over every matter in the colony. Eardley-Wilmot appears to have been reluctant to concede much authority to Francis, particularly in respect of control of the prison chaplains, in the pay of the State. Francis describes his situation thus in a letter to his father-in-law "the mear nominal head of the Church, without power, influence, authority, or freedom" Their conflict went all the way to the British Prime Minister (Gladstone) and the Archbishop of Canterbury without a satisfactory solution.
The remaining clergy under Francis's authority were generally not of a high standard as far as their Bishop was concerned. He described them as a "hillbilly lot"! Attempts to bring them to his conservative, episcopal views, was strongly resisted by many, his conviction and powers of oratory may have failed for a want of respect.
As if this was not enough, he fell out with the laity, congregations fell and the Press described him as getting to big for his boots. It could be said the Colony attached less to the position of Bishop than the Bishop did. His view of his power as an episcopacy were unacceptable.
However he argued strongly from his local knowledge, against the evils of transportation of convicts, some recognised the good in the man behind his lack of diplomacy.

Francis and Anna were competent artist's, sketching and painting many scenes from their time in Tasmania. They brought with them from England a small organ* which they both played, Anna played the organ for services at St Davids. Francis wrote another book titled "The Cruise of the Beacon" published 1857 by Bell & Daldy of Fleet St. This recorded his tours of the Bass Strait islands and the settlements of northern Tasmania
*Images of organ Ref: (See Other Records below)

Francis returned to England in 1863, looking to recuperate as his health was poor, however his medical advice was pessimistic. He tentatively wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the matter but his letter was taken as a resignation and his 20 years service to the Diocese of Tasmania was over.

He took up the living of Bolton Percy, a pleasant village close to York, but letters to one of his loyal clergy in Tasmania, the Rev Arthur Davenport, reveal they found the climate disagreeable. In 1865 they moved to a substantial home in Stresa over looking Lake Maggiore Italy.

Anna's retirment was unfortunately short with her death in Nov 1868. Francis married a Swiss woman in 1870, little is known of her but she must have been considerably younger than he as she bore him two further children.

Nixon the Rt Rev Francis Russell DD. 13 June 1879. The will of the right Rev Francis Russell Nixon formerly Bishop of Tasmania but late of Vignolo in the Commune of Stresa on the Largo Maggiore in Italy DD who died 7 April 1879 at Vignolo was proved at the Principal Registry by Flora Elizabeth Agnes Nixon of Vignolo Widow the Relict the sole Executrix. Personal Estate under £800.
National Probate Calendar.

bullet  Research Notes:

In this family tree two young Australasian Bishops came from England in the 19thC. Francis and the cousin of his daughter Mary Anne Quilter, Churchill Julius [56], both held strong convictions, were powerful preachers and honourable men. Julius was universally respected and loved, Francis less so, his missing ingredient may have been humility.
Both have a significant footprint on the internet. 2017

Quilter Family archive : collection of original - Quilter Family, Kent - 1702. [813670]
. . . . . Copy of the last will and testament of Francis Russell Nixon (1803-1879), the first Bishop of Tasmania . . . . .

Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Nixon Francis Russell (1803-1879)
By W R Barrett.

Francis Russell Nixon (1803-1879), Church of England bishop, was born on 1 August 1803, the second son of Rev. Robert Nixon, D.D., F.R.S., of North Cray, Kent, England. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School, London, and at Oxford (B.A., 1827; M.A., 1841; D.D., 1842). Graduating third class in classics he was made a probationary fellow of St John's College. After ordination he served as chaplain to the embassy at Naples and was then appointed one of the 'Six Preachers' at Canterbury Cathedral and chaplain to the archbishop. He next held the parish of Sandgate and the perpetual curacy of Ash next Sandwich. In January 1843, to provide funds for a chapel of ease at Ash, he published Lectures, Historical, Doctrinal and Practical, on the Catechism of the Church of England; it went through at least six editions. On 21 August 1842 Nixon was appointed first bishop of Tasmania and three days later was consecrated in Westminster Abbey with four other bishops. With his wife and children, their governess and Archdeacon Fitzherbert Marriott, he sailed in the Duke of Roxburgh. At Cape Town, where no Anglican bishop was appointed until 1847, he confirmed some four hundred persons, consecrated a church and ordained a priest. Arriving at Hobart Town in July 1843, he was received by civic and ecclesiastical leaders, took the oaths and was made a member of the Executive Council. His letters patent were read, creating Van Diemen's Land a separate diocese, St David's Church a cathedral and Hobart a city. A week later he was enthroned. His first official residence was in Upper Davey Street; after three years he moved to Boa Vista in Argyle Street (later part of the Friends' School), and in 1850 he bought Runnymede at New Town, renaming it Bishopstowe.

Nixon soon sized up the needs of his diocese and within eighteen months sent Marriott to England for help; in particular he wanted men for more adequate spiritual ministrations; and money to build churches and schools. Most remarkable of all was his request for money to establish a college on English university lines for the higher education of colonial youth and for training them for holy orders. The archdeacon's mission was highly successful in obtaining both men and money: in 1846 the Launceston Church Grammar School was opened in May, the Hutchins School in Hobart in August, and Christ's College at Bishopsbourne in October.

Nixon was soon in collision with Lieutenant-Governor Sir John Eardley-Wilmot on the discipline of clergymen within the diocese. Wilmot acknowledged the bishop's control over colonial chaplains even though they were paid by the government, yet he continued to employ and pay two of them whose licences had been withdrawn by Nixon for unbecoming behaviour. His reason for thus thwarting the bishop was that these chaplains had not been 'tried and convicted', although he knew the bishop had no court. The problem of chaplains attached to the convict establishments was, however, more difficult. On 29 May 1844 Nixon put his case clearly in a letter to Lord Stanley; he refused to ordain, licence or have any official responsibility for chaplains to the convicts because they could be appointed, dismissed and restored without his privity and were therefore exclusively under civil jurisdiction. To avoid a clash, Wilmot called these chaplains 'religious instructors' and claimed that their ordination was not an essential qualification. After lengthy correspondence between Nixon, the lieutenant-governor, the secretary of state and the archbishop of Canterbury, a reasonable compromise was reached: the governor was to submit appointments and removals for the bishop's consent, and any disagreements were to be settled by consultation between Downing Street and Canterbury. Stanley hoped to ease tension by appointing Marriott 'superintendent of convict chaplains', but although the plan was supported by the archbishop of Canterbury, it angered Nixon as another instance of lay interference with episcopal authority. Through respect for Stanley and confidence in his archdeacon, he agreed to allow Marriott to act as superintendent, but only by his episcopal authority. Dissatisfied with this solution, Nixon went to England in 1846-48, but he got little support from the archbishop and none from the government. He was able, however, to denounce the convict system which was turning the colony, he said, into 'the lazar house of the British dominions'. In 1847 he gave evidence before a House of Lords committee on the pitiable state of the convicts and the evils of transportation. His plain speaking contributed to the abolitionists' victory in 1853 and also helped to solve the problem of chaplains to the convicts.

Nixon had other difficulties with some of the clergy who had been in the colony before his arrival. Having tasted independence, they did not submit gracefully to his authority and looked on him as an interloper. The senior chaplain, Rev. William Bedford of St David's Church, was quite open in opposition. Three times he refused to produce his commission for inspection and, when Nixon insisted on using his cathedral for Lenten lectures, Bedford and his church wardens asserted their parochial rights over St David's, threatening to close the doors against him and to appeal to the civil authorities against his 'aggression'. The bishop's letters patent enjoined him to 'visit all Rectors, curates and chaplains' in the diocese 'with all manner of jurisdiction, power and coercion ecclesiastical', but they did not authorize the establishment of a consistorial court with power to compel the attendance of witnesses or to examine them on oath. Nixon sought this authority from the lieutenant-governor without success, for other denominations were suspicious. An appeal to London resulted in May 1849 in supplementary letters patent that omitted power to set up a court, and with no strengthening of his disciplinary power his difficulties were increased. The problem was not solved until, in consultation with his clergy and laity, the constitution of a synod was hammered out and given legal effect by the Tasmanian parliament on 5 November 1858. Next May the first synod met for thirteen days. One feature of it was that the laity shared equally with the bishop and clergy in management of the church's affairs. Its principal business was to pass acts for the trial of ecclesiastical offences, for the patronage of parishes and for a general church fund on a voluntary basis in preparation for the withdrawal of state aid.

In October 1850 Nixon went to Sydney for the historic meeting of the six Australasian bishops. Publication in Tasmania of the 'Minutes' of this meeting caused great controversy. The Oxford Movement and ritual question were already disturbing the churches and in some quarters Nixon and a number of his new clergy were accused of Puseyite tendencies. This was far from true; in November 1844 in a dramatic scene at the cathedral Nixon had read a protest against the appointment of a Roman Catholic bishop in Tasmania and solemnly placed the document on the altar. In his visitation charge to the clergy in 1851, he clearly enunciated his 'full belief that soundness in the faith with regard to the sacraments of Christ is a probation against Romanism on the one hand and Puritanism on the other'. Nevertheless publication of the 'Minutes' brought addresses and counter-addresses to the bishop. The chief cause of unrest was the statement on baptismal regeneration, an aftermath of the Privy Council judgment on the Gorham case. Those who feared that the true faith was being undermined in the diocese formed an 'association of members of the Church of England for maintaining in Van Diemen's Land the principles of the Protestant Reformation'. Led by Rev. Henry Fry they published a protest in the form of a 'solemn declaration', maintaining among other things the right of private judgment. With a high sense of his office and prerogatives, and of the need for discipline, Nixon maintained that private judgment in matters on which the church had declared her faith in the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-nine Articles was not consistent for any member of that church. He therefore refused preferment to anyone who had been a party to the protest. After long trouble and tension, his attitude mellowed, and on 1 June 1855 the Tasmanian Church Chronicle, reporting his third visitation, paid this tribute: 'we must be allowed to record our admiration of the perfect confidence and cordiality with which the Bishop placed himself in the hands of his clergy. His Lordship is better understood now than he seems to have been four years ago'. In recommending rather than enjoining the introduction of a weekly offertory to help the church to be self-supporting, he set a fine example by giving a tenth of his government income and other generous sums.

In the controversy between churches and government over subsidized education the bishop joined with vigour. Earlier, religious instruction of an Anglican type had a prominent place in the public day schools. In May 1839, however, a newly appointed Board of Education changed to a quasi-secular system, which provided for daily Bible readings but forbade denominational teaching, although allowing clergy the right to teach children of their church at convenient hours. Anglicans protested without avail against the spending of public funds on a system of religious education which denied the majority church the right to instruct her children in their own faith. The bishop urged clergy and people to repudiate state aid on these conditions, and to establish church schools financed by their own efforts, and where that was not possible, to organize Sunday schools.

Nixon never spared himself in the pastoral oversight of his large diocese, which included King Island, the Furneaux group and even Norfolk Island. In 1849 his yacht was stolen and never recovered, but he still contrived to visit the Bass Strait islands and northern Tasmanian settlements. His Cruise of the Beacon, published in 1854 with his own illustrations, records one such visit. At his home, between travelling, he had interviews, voluminous correspondence, administrative duties, reading and the preparation of sermons and lectures. Even so, he found time for his family and for music, sketching and painting.

In 1847 he was described as 'a remarkable man both in appearance and character, good-looking, coal-black hair … piercing black eyes, and full, rather thick lips; tenacious of his rights, extremely anxious to be correct with regard to costume and all other points of etiquette, devoted to the fine arts and a beautiful draughtsman'. But twenty years of pioneering took their toll. After illness in 1862 he went to England hoping to improve his health and to return next year. But he was no better and resigned from 19 August 1863, telling the archbishop of Canterbury that he could not conscientiously retain his office with satisfaction to himself or with efficiency to the church. He was given the important living of Bolton Percy, Yorkshire, but his health did not improve. In 1865 he retired to Vignolo on Lake Maggiore, Italy, which he loved. The milder climate brought benefit, although he was seldom free from his 'tooth-ache in the back'. He died on 7 April 1879, and was buried in the British cemetery at Stresa.

Nixon married three times. In 1829 he married Frances Maria Streatfield (d.1834) by whom he had three children, Frances Maria, Robert and Harriet. In 1836 he married Anna Maria, daughter of Charles Woodcock; they had eight children. Anna Maria was a devoted wife who acted as his secretary. She also sketched and played the organ at St David's. Two years after Anna's death at Vignolo on 26 November 1868, Nixon married Flora Elizabeth Muller, who bore him two sons.

In the new cathedral in Hobart Nixon is remembered by a stained glass window and by the side chapel. A portrait in oils by Rev. J. Dixon is in the possession of Holy Trinity Church, Launceston. A number of his water-colours are in the Diocesan Registry, Hobart, and others in private hands.

Select Bibliography
F. R. Nixon, Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tasmania (Hob, 1846, 1851, 1855)
N. Nixon, Pioneer Bishop in Van Diemen's Land 1843-1863 (Hob, 1954)
Tasmanian Church Chronicle, Jan 1852 Dec 1856
N. Batt and M. Roe, 'Conflict within the Church of England in Tasmania, 1850-1858', Journal of Religious History, vol 4, no 1, June 1966, pp 39-62).

A further book has been published in 2010 on Francis & Anna.
To Serve in a Distant Land
by Keith Adkins.
Published by Blubber Head Press - is the publishing imprint of Astrolabe Booksellers
PO Box 3113 West Hobart Tasmania 7000 t: 0408 132 970 e:
ISBN 9780908528370
Limited to 500 copies.


bullet  Other Records

1. Francis Rissell Nixon.
A young Francis Nixon by George Richmond 1843, images from his time as Bishop of Tasmania, including his home Bishopsstowe, now named Runnymede - Courtesy of National Trust of Australia & State Library of Tasmania.

2. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Rev Charles Woodcock, 25 Feb 1844, At Sea East of Van-Diemens Land.
We have 50 convicts on board, all thrice convicted felons, now on their way to Port Arthur to suffer the heaviest punishments that the Colonial Legislation can inflict, short of death. There are men of all ages and occupations, amongst them the grey headed convict who has heaped crime upon crime, vagabonds, sentenced to death and reprieved that they may have one opportunity of amendment more - young audacious criminals, burglars, housebreakers, footpads, gypsies, forgers - in fact, the offscourings of Cockatoo Island, the worst penal settlement in Sydney Harbour. They are lying on the floor of the temporary prison, without beds or blankets, fettered and all linked to some chain, with sentries over them to shoot the first man that ventures to come on deck. I have just returned from preaching to these ruffians and, hardened as they are, their conduct was most quiet and orderly.
The Bishops text was Ecclesiastes 8 c.11. "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."
Courtesy of Cotesbach Archive, Cotesbach Educational Trust, Leicestershire UK. <>

3. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 1 Jan 1847, Roche Court Farnham.
Liveing Archive 178c-d LT14

4. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Charles Martin Torlesse, 6 Jul 1847, St Peters College Cambridge.
Liveing Archive 179a-d LT14

5. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Charles Martin Torlesse, 29 Jul 1847, Stone Wall Park Penshurst.
Liveing Archive 179e-f

6. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 10 Aug 1847, Ch.Ch. Oxford.
Liveing Archive 183 a-d LT14

7. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 28 Aug 1847, Sussex Gardens.
Liveing Archive 180a-d LT14

8. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 14 Sep 1847, Sussex Gardens.
Liveing Archive 180e-f LT14

9. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 13 Oct 1847, 18 Sussex Gardens.
Liveing Archive 182a-d LT14

10. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 5 Nov 1847, 18 Sussex Gardens.
Liveing Archive 181e-f LT14

11. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letters to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 12 Nov 1847, The Palace Norwich.
Liveing Archive 181a-b LT14

12. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 12 Nov c1849, Hobart Town.
Liveing Archive 177a-f LT14

Hobart Town
November 12, 1849.
Do not imagine my dear Fanny, that because I am but an indifferent correspondent my interest in English ties, and affections, slackens, or lessens. An overworked pen must plead my excuses when with older friend's than yourself, dear child.
But it is your birthday - and I must not let it pass by without sending you a few lines of remembrance, and affectionate greeting. May God grant, that each return of this day may bring its own blessing with it; greater knowledge of and love for God - greater experiences and subjection of self; that so - as years advance, you may still be progressing towards the great end of human life; and realise all the anxious hopes, which those
Page 2.
who love you have formed for you. Our hours - as you know, are so different from yours, that when my morning prayer has been offered up for you this day - you have been just preparing to go to bed, as on last evening.
And so - you are going to school - "going" - why - long before this reaches you, your school day will have been over, and you, I trust, reaping the profit of your advantages - and repaying, by increased . . . . . . . . . . , and thoughtful affection the tender care, that your dear relations have bestowed upon you.
This has been a sore season of sickness all over the colony. There is scarcely a house that has escaped some visitation
Page 3.
of the sickness; and death has been busy in many quarters. All my children have been ill either with spasmodic cough or whooping cough. My dear little baby of 11 weeks old was taken from us - and is gotten? To her father's house and home. My beloved friend Charles Stanley, youngest son to the Bishop of Norwich, has been suddenly carried off with fever; and has left a sad blank behind him. I have constantly seen, and striven to comfort his widow, who is literally shattered by the unexpected breakup of all her domestic happiness.
As for ourselves, we are now thank God - all well. I am incessantly on the move - travelling about from one parish of the diocese to another - and feeling more the worse for my rambling life. In one
Page 4.
respect however, and that an important one - I feel that I am not so young as I was. My eyes are beginning, at last to fail me, and to cry out against their being used at night, as in times past.
This robs me of much of the time, at which I used to write English letters. In fact I cannot now see with any comfort without three candles.
. . . . . as usual. The pressing? difficulties of the colony have not subsided; so that there is not much . . . . . nor? prospect of doing more, than keeping our position without attempting to do much in the way of advance. Gradually I hope, with God's blessing, to get things in order; but here and there, I have more interminable? discontents? to deal with; and must be patient, and "bide my time"
Page 5
passing over, much that I would fair? correct, for fear of enemies . . . . . the worse evil of making strife and suspicion, where there ought to be peace, and confidence. I hear often, that in these hasty "go ahead" days - there is too little heed paid to the searching yet meaningful truth conveyed in our Saviour's words "I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now" Impatience and desire to see finally? where we ought to be content to have the privilege of sowing the seed - the determination to walk by sights and not by faith - that? - in all parts of the modern world have been the fruitful sources of much of the evils under which we labour whether in the old world, or at the antipodes.
And now my dear child, in bidding you a "goodbye, and

Page 6
God bless you, and let me express the hope that you will sometime prove your . . . . . of one who will always have an abiding interest in your temporal as well as spiritual welfare.
Write to me sometime for I can't afford to lose home ties, and associations, when providence has placed us at the antipodes.
Ever my affectionate regards to all at Stoke and Wiston
And believe me
My dear Fanny
Your sincerely affectionate friend
F N Tasmania

13. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 13 Apr 1863, The Mansion House Bishopstoke HAM.
Liveing Archive 175i-j LT14
The Mansion House
Bishop Stoke (Hants)
April 13, 1863.
Remember you dearest Fan! Why, you dear naughty child! Do you suppose that I am made of such insuferable(?) stuff, as to forget you?
Come - I will give you a proof of my mindfulness, when I tell you that you were born on November 12, 1831.
Your note reached me just before leaving London, on Saturday morning. I wish it had come a day sooner for I passed through Queen Anne Street on Friday - and must have been close to your very door. I hardly know when I am likely to be in London again - except for a few hours on business - but - if I can squeeze out an hour or even half a one - you shall have it. It would give me very great delight to see you again.
I wonder whether you would know me again! I think not most probably, you would pass me in the street - so - that you may not be puzzled as to my outward man, I send you its resemblance. Have you a portrait of yourself in exchange?
Long since, I had heard that you were married - but I did not know your name; and even now, I know nothing more of you, than that you are "Fanny Liveing" - or as you say "an old married woman, with four children". Let me hear something about the dear little pet of old days.
I cannot give a very favourable report of myself, tho all things considered, I am "as well as can be expected."
You may have heard that I am forbidden to resume my work in Tasmania, tho I may be able to do much in England, or, indeed anywhere, where I am within prompt reach of medical help, if required on the sudden, and of hot baths if needed. This is the verdict of five medical men, not of one alone.
My complaint is stone in the kidneys. At times, I am subject to very severe(?) pains but generally speaking, the pain, which is constant is bearable enough.
Indeed, I have had so much good health, in years past, that I have neither the right, nor the heart, to complain, if, in my old age, I feel some what of its infirmities.
God bless you, my dearest Fanny, let me hear something of you soon.
Ever your very affectionate
F N Tasmania.

14. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letters to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 15 Jul 1863, Bryngwyn Ross.
Liveing Archive 175g-h LT14
Brynwyn Ross
July 15 1863.
My dear Fanny,
I ought to have answered your note long ago - yes - your maiden was quite accurate in her description I took the opportunity of being in your neighbourhood, and saw the chance of finding you at home.
I am very sorry to have missed you; but look forward to the prospect of repairing my disappointment before long.
At the present moment, I am wandering about from place to place. Early in August, I expect to be at Salisbury. On 10 January coming to London, for medical advice - my resting place will be at 11 Oxford Square. During the day at(?) Two of my short visits, I must manage to see you, supposing, that is, you are still in London.
I am very desirous once more to renew the remembrances of old times, and old scenes - and tho I shall find the little freckled(?) child grown into the woman and the mother, I do not suppose that I shall find you substantially altered.
God bless you, my dear Fanny,
Believe me always
Your sincerely affectionate
FN Tasmania.

15. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letters to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 7 Aug 1863, The Palace Sailsbury.
Liveing Archive 175e-f LT14

The Palace Salisbury
August 7, 1863.
My dear Fanny,
So far as I can see, at present, I hope to be with you late on Tuesday afternoon - it may be, as late as five.
Do you think me so confused as to require a hanky to wear on me? I really do look forward with very great delight to seeing you again. I can never cease to have a deep and affectionate interest in all that concerns. It will seem strange to find the little petted child, who was my especial charge and favourite, in the little cabin of the "Flying Fish" grown up into the woman and the matron.
God bless you, dearest child.
Ever your most affectionate
FN Tasmania.

16. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Letter to Frances Jane Liveing nee Torlesse, 18 Aug 1863, Howe Lodge, Kinson, Wimbourne DOR.
Liveing Archive 175c-d LT14
Howe Lodge, Kinson,
Aug 18 1863.
My dear Fanny,
How careless, or how rude you must have thought me, when I met you on Sunday at the Chapel - not to have taken the least notice of your kind invitation to pass with you, the the intermission(?) . . . . . time between the two services.
My dear child - this note did not reach me until yesterday morning. I had not time to answer it, before leaving London - and my arrival here was long after the post had left.
I send you the envelope that you may ascertain where the error lies. You will see that it was not posted on Saturday, viz that the postmark is seven August 17. I was very glad to see your dear pretty little girl: what a pet she . . . . . be.
God bless you, my my dearest child,
Ever your most affectionate
FN Tasmania

17. Rt Rev Dr Francis Russell Nixon: Will, 9 Feb 1876.

18. Francis Russell Nixon: His organ in Tasmania.
Nixon brought from England a small organ which they both played, Anna played the organ for services at St Davids.

Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), 655 Main Road, Berriedale
B. 1847 J.C. Bishop, London for Bishop F.R. Nixon;
inst. Christ's College, Bishopsbourne and later 'Bishopstowe', New Town (later 'Runnymede'),
the residence of Bishop F.R. Nixon.
Inst. 1863 St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Campbell Town.
Rem 2009 and res 2010 Gibbs & Thomson.
1m., 8, pedal pulldowns, tr.
Man: 8 divided.8 divided.8.8 divided.4.4 divided.2.8.
Carved blackwood case.
Image Courtesy *Images of organ Ref:


Francis married Frances Maria STREATFIELD [10994] [MRIN: 3653], daughter of Rev Thomas STREATFIELD of Charts Edge [10130] and Unknown, in 1829. (Frances Maria STREATFIELD [10994] died on 22 Sep 1834.). The cause of her death was in child birth.


Francis next married Anna Maria WOODCOCK [10972] [MRIN: 3647], daughter of Charles WOODCOCK [10970] and Anne PARRY [10971], on 5 Dec 1836 in St James Dover. (Anna Maria WOODCOCK [10972] was born on 1 Jun 1811 in Ganjam India, died on 26 Nov 1868 in Stresa Italy and was buried in Stresa Italy.)


Francis next married Flora Elizabeth Agnes MULLER [10094] [MRIN: 3364] in 1870.

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