Richard DOWNING [26267]
- Baptised: 25 Jan 1586/87, St Clement Danes Westminster LND MDX
- Marriage (1): Faith [26274] before 1616
- Died: Abt 1670 aged about 83
- Buried: St Clement Danes Westminster LND MDX
General Notes:
Richard Downing Baptism Date: 25 Jan 1586 Baptism Place: Saint Clement Danes,Westminster,London,England Father: John Downing FHL Film Number: 1042327
"Richard Doning" was admitted by Patrimony of the Skinners Coy on 21 April 1621, as his father John Downing, was already a member of the Skinners' Company at the time of his birth.
Richard was a Sergeant Skinner who supplied fur to the Court of Charles II at the restoration.
Sept. 30 1662 "Money warrant for 400L. to Richard Downing, the Sergeant Skinner, for providing at the Restoration and by the Order of the Council then in being, for the furring and fitting up of a royal robe of crimson velvet with swords, coat, hood and cap of state, with powdered ermines to be worn by His Majesty at his first sitting in Parliament.
Richard "the skinner" was paid 2s a day by the Treasury in 1666 and also his son Abraham, for their office of "Seargent Skinner", by letters of patent 20 Jul 1666.
Will of Richard Downing, Skinner of Saint Clement Danes, Middlesex: Signed 10 Jan 1669 - Proved 9 June 1670 PROB 11/333 In the name of God Amen, I Richard Downing of the parish of St. Clement Danes in the county of Middlesex, Skinner ... my body I committ to the earth to be ------ buried in the parish church of St Clement Danes at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named ... I bequeath as followeth and I divide my estate into three parts.
Two parts thereof I give to my loving daughter Elizabeth, whom I make and appoint sole executrix of this my will. The other remaining part I give and bequeath to my daughter Ffaith I give to my sonne William the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England. I give to my grandchild Richard Downing the sum of ffive pounds of life? money. I give to my grandchild Luke Deane ffive pounds of life? money which [Sogarido?] I order to be paid within twelve? months after my decease. I give to my cosin? Sara Cotton twenty? shillings to buy her a ring and to her sister Sibill ten? shillings to buy her a ring. I give to the poor of the parish of St Clement Danes the sum of fforty shillings to be distributed in ------ day of my interrment ... I nominate and appoint Mr richard Drake of the said parish of St Clement Danes barrister? and Mr Edward Younger of the same? parish armorer my dear and loving friends overseers? of this my will ... I do give to Mr Richard Drake my [Picture?] which is the [officgiod?] of a Drake? and to Mr Edward Younger my playing Tables? [olgov?] I give and bequeath to my [Half?] or eldest? sonne Abraham Downing the sum of ffive pounds of lawful money to be paid by my Executrix within Twelve? months after my decease ... ... I have hereunto my hand and seal the tenth day of January in the one? and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second by the grant? of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Holland (or Ireland) Defender of the ffaith [3r chinorz? ind?] 1669. Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of John Leallans?, John Lcarland?, Edw. Younger Probate appears to be in latin but mentions ... Strand? in the county of Middlesex ... Richard Lloyd? ... Elizabeth Downing ... Will transcription and data Fripp Family Tree
Research Notes:
See attached sources.
Richard married Faith [26274] [MRIN: 9442] before 1616.