The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees

Charlotte MORDAUNT [3242]
(-Bef 1719)


Family Links

1. Benjamin ALBIN [3243]
2. Sir Joseph ALSTON 3rd Bart [3235]

Charlotte MORDAUNT [3242]

  • Marriage (1): Benjamin ALBIN [3243]
  • Marriage (2): Sir Joseph ALSTON 3rd Bart [3235]
  • Died: Bef 1719

bullet  General Notes:

Charlotte is from an ancient family from Peterborough refer

Her second marriage must have been a hasty and short one, it is not mentioned in Collins and other Peerages.

Dated 4 Feb 1716/17
In the Name of God Amen. I Charlote Lady Alston being weak in body but of sound Mind and understanding do make this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former or other Wills hetofore by me made.
Whereas a Suite is now commenced in the High Court of Chancery by me and others against Thomas Silater, Thomas Hayes, Mathew Johnson and others for recovery of a considerable sume of money due by Statute Staple or otherways from Henry Slater heretofore of Light Oakes in the County of Lancaster Esq deceased) or from some other person or persons unto Mr. Benjamin Albyn my first Husband and by my said Husband given and settled upon me or I am otherways lawfully Intituted unto the same.
And whereas it may please God that I may die before the same may be recovered Now for disposeing of the same when recovered and all other my Estate whatsoever I Will and bequeath that all the cost and charges attending the said Suite untill the time of my death together with my debts and ffu erall charges be in the first place paid and fully Satisfyed.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Alston ffifty pounds.
To my Daughter Dyapatis Alston ffifty pounds,
To my son Cornelius Alston One Hundred pounds the said Legacies to be paid at their several Ages of One and Twenty years.
Item I give and bequeath Two Hundred Pounds when my Daughter Theodosia Alston shall attaine her Age of One and Twenty years to be laid out by my executors in the purchase of an Annuity for her Life to her sole Use but if my said Daughter Theodosia shall dye before She attaine her said Age then I give One hundred pounds of the said two hundred pounds unto my said Son Cornelius Alston at his Age of One and Twenty years as aforesaid, and if my said son Cornelius shall dye before his said Age my said Daughter Theodosia being then alive I give and bequeath the Hundred pounds first given to my said Son Cornelius to be laid out by my Executors in the purchase of an Annuity for the Life of my said Daughter Theodosia after She shall attain her Age as aforesaid and not otherways.
Item I give and bequeath Thirty pounds to three poor Widows to be Chosen by my Executors and Twenty pounds to Mrs Elizabeth Roberts for her Sole use and to my dearly beloved Aunt Margaret Agar ffifty pounds.
Item I give and devise to my dearly beloved Sister the Honourable Sophia Hamilton Three hundred pounds, To my dear Brother the Honourable George Mordaunt Three hundred pounds, To my Neice the Rt Honourable Margaret Viscountess Ikerrin One hundred pounds, To my Nephew Charles Mordaunt
Three hundred pounds, To my niece Elizabeth Hamilton One Hundred Pounds, And my Will and meaning is that all my Legacies herein before bequeathed be paid by my Executors as aforesaid out of the said money so due as aforesaid as soon as they shall recover and receive the same or the persons to whom they are bequeathed shall be intituled to the same, And my further Will and meaning is that if the said money when recovered and so much thereof as can be received shall not amount to the Sumes before by me bequeathed. then in such Case I Will that an abatement and Deduction be made out of each Legacy in proportion to the Sumes bequeathed and the Deficiency of the money reced (Except the Thirty pounds to the Widows and Twenty pounds to Mrs Roberts which are to be paid without any deduction) And my further Will and meaning is, that if the said money shall not be recovered and received in my Life time but that it may be necessary to carry on the Suite after my Death that my said Sister Sophia Hamilton my said Brother George Mordaunt and my said Neices Viscountess of Ikerrin and Elizabeth Hamilton and my said Nephew Charles Mordaunt do proportionably to the Legacies herein before severally given unto them advance money and contribute to carry on the said Suite and if any or either of them shall refuse to Advance and pay their several proportions of any Sume not under ffifty pounds that shall be expended by the rest or any of them in prosecuting the said Suite then my Will is that such person or persons refuseing to advance and pay their said proportion of the said Expences shall not be Intituled to their said Legacies
Nevertheless my Will and meaning is that such money as shall be so Expended and advanced for carrying on the said Suite shall be repaid again besides their said several Legacies
And I do hereby appoint my said Sister the Honourable Sophia Hamilton and my said Brother the Honourable George Mordaunt Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby givn unto my said Executors their Heirs Executors and Administrators All the rest residue and other my estate of what kind or nature soever
In Witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and Seale and publish and declare this as my last Will and Testament this fourth day of February One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen-Seventeen (I716/17)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Testatrix the Honourable Charlote Lady Alston for and as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in presence of the said Testatrix Jon Hamilton Arabella Spencer Tho. Wilson.
Proved at London 3 February 1719 by the Hon. George Mordaunt one of the Executors power being reserved to the Hon. Sophia Hamilton the other Executor.
Shaller 22
Page 132 Alstoniana.
PRO 11/572.

bullet  Research Notes:

Charlotte's image courtesy of and The National Trust Public Catalogue Foundation Castle Ward, Co. Down. Painting attributed to Mary Beale (1632 - 1699)


Charlotte married Benjamin ALBIN [3243] [MRIN: 1102].


Charlotte next married Sir Joseph ALSTON 3rd Bart [3235] [MRIN: 1101], son of Sir Joseph ALSTON 2nd Bart of Bradwell [3218] and Dame Elizabeth THOMPSON [3233]. (Sir Joseph ALSTON 3rd Bart [3235] died in 1716 in Bath SOM and was buried on 29 Jan 1715/16 in Long Ditton SRY.)

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