The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Robert FENN Capt [198]
Harriet LIVEING [227]
George ALSTON [61]
Anne Margaret VANDERZEE [60]
Dr Thomas Harrold FENN M.R.C.S. [1]
Maria ALSTON [2]

Annie Vanderzee FENN [4]


Family Links

1. Rear Admiral George Weightman HAND R.N. C.B. [5]

Annie Vanderzee FENN [4]

  • Born: 25 Mar 1841, Rushall WIL
  • Baptised: 6 May 1841, Rushall WIL
  • Marriage (1): Rear Admiral George Weightman HAND R.N. C.B. [5] on 14 Nov 1866 in St James Nayland
  • Died: 27 Feb 1922, St Lawrence Rectory Norwich aged 80
  • Buried: Nayland Burial Ground

bullet  General Notes:

Sponsors at Annie's baptism, were Robert L Fenn, Margaret Alston, Elizabeth T Liveing.

Marriage of Miss Fenn.
On Wednesday, the 14th instant, the day fixed for the wedding of this much respected and esteemed young lady (eldest daughter of T H Fenn Esq, surgeon of Nayland) to George Weightman Hand, Esq, Lieut. R N, the village presented quite a gay scene. Flags of various colours were displayed in the principal street and in the approach to the Church. At the north end of the village a large banner, on an arch of evergreens, was fixed across the street, with the words "God bless them" appended to which was a very appropriate design of a heart and anchor. At the south end of the village was an arch spanning the street, formed of laurels and other evergreens, interspersed with flowers, and having inscribed on a large banner "Long life and happiness to the Bride and Bridegroom". Over the Church gates was a pretty arch, and on the Church porch a banner, with the words "May they be happy". The marriage took place at about halfpast eleven. The bridesmaids were the three sisters of the bride, with Miss Liveing, Miss F Liveing, and Miss K Sams. The Rev J T Brown, Incumbent, performed the nuptial ceremony. As the bridal party entered the church the "Wedding March" was played by Master H Winney; and at the conclusion of the ceremony Handel's "March in Scipio" was played by Mr H Winnie organist of Clewer. In addition to a number of presents which the bride received from private friends, a very pretty Church Service bound in ivory, and Milton's Poetical Works, were presented as a mark of affection and esteem from the teachers and children of the Sunday School, in which Miss Fenn had for many years been one of the principal teachers. A handsome silver ink stand was also presented by a number of parishioners, towards the purchase of which many of the poor, who had known the bride from her earliest years, most anxiously volunteered their small sums. The schoolchildren were regaled with cake and wine after the wedding, the aged poor and others were provided with a good tea, and a ball was given by Mr Fenn in the evening. The bells rang merrily during the day, and a festive scene will long live as a pleasant memory in the minds of the parishioners of Nayland.
Ref: Ipswich Journal Saturday, 24 November 1866.

bullet  Research Notes:

Birth Pewsey Vol VIII - 391 1841 E-G March.


bullet  Other Records

1. Annie Vanderzee Hand nee Fenn: Postcard, 22 Dec.
Miss Hopkins
1 Lauriston Villas
Walton by Clevedon
Chiswick 22 Dec.
My best love and good wishes to you all - so glad you have Lewis with you for Christmas: dear Harry is in the firing line, he urges me to go to Nayland, so if all well I go on Thursday with a very anxious heart.
Ever yr ?
A V Hand
H looks determined on the other side I don't think it does him justice.
Postcard no year or dorse view.
Miss Hopkins thought to be Katherine Mary (Kitty) Hopkins Annie's niece [471]

2. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Rushall WIL. Annie is described as aged 2 mths born Wilshire

3. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Bear St Nayland SFK. Annie is recorded as a daughter aged 10 a scholar born Rushall WIL

4. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, 43 Bear St Nayland SFK. Annie is described as a daughter unmarried aged 20 born Rushall WIL

5. George & Annie Hand: Courting & Marriage group, 1866, St James Nayland.
Wedding Group
L to R Unidentified, Unidentified, George, Annie, Unidentified, Frederick Augustus Hand, Unidentified, Edward L Fenn, Unidentified.
Three of the women would likely have been Annie's sisters.
Images Fenn Family Album in Pictures on this website.

6. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, Bear St Nayland SFK. Annie is recorded as a sister (of Edward Liveing Fenn) aged 30 married born Rushall WIL

7. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Market Sq Midhurst SSX. Annie is described as a lodger aged 40 married wife of a Commander Royal Navy born Rushall WIL

8. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, The Castle Dedham ESS. Annie is recorded as a wife aged 50 born Rushall WIL

9. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Hammersmith LND. Annie is recorded as a wife aged 60 born Rushell WIL

10. Census: England, 2 Apr 1911, 33 Burlington Gardens Chiswick LND. Annie V was recorded as a wife aged 70 married 47 yrs 5 children 4 surviving born Rushell WIL

11. Annie Vanderzee Fenn: Her life in pictures.
Pastel by Sydney Buck at age 10 1851 in possession of Adrian Hopkins Vale View Marnhull Dorset 1998.

Annie is buried in the Nayland Burial Ground Bear St Nayland. Her headstone reads "In ever loving memory of Annie Vanderzee Hand entered unto rest the 27th Feb 1922 aged 80 yrs".

12. Annie Vanderzee Fenn: Will, 7 Mar 1916.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me ANNIE VANDERZEE HAND Widow of the late Rear Admiral George Weightman Hand
I give and bequeathe all my invested stock and all cash at the Bank to my daughter Margaret Rosa Katharine Hand and my youngest son Henry George Hand in equal shares or to the survivor of them if either should predecease me
And I appoint the said Henry George Hand and Margaret Rosa Katharine Hand to be EXECUTORS of this my Will IN WITNESS whereof I hereto set my hand this seventh day of March one thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
Signed by the testatrix Annie Vanderzee Hand as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in that of each other have hereto set our names as witnesses on the day & year above written.
HENRY A HARDINGE 20 Ravenscourt Park London W Gentleman.
FRANCES C S L HARDINGE 20 Ravens-court Park London W Spinster
On the 4th day of April 1922 Probate of this Will was granted to Henry George Hand one of the Executors.

Hand Annie Vanderzee of 33 Burlington Gardens Chiswick Middlesex widow died 27 February 1922 at St Lawrence's Rectory Norwich. Probate London 4 April 1922 To Henry George Hand Esq
Effects L1246 12s 7d
National Probate Calendar.


Annie married Rear Admiral George Weightman HAND R.N. C.B. [5] [MRIN: 2], son of Frederick James HAND [2041] and Ann VANDERZEE [361], on 14 Nov 1866 in St James Nayland. (Rear Admiral George Weightman HAND R.N. C.B. [5] was born on 2 Jul 1841 in St Pancras London, baptised on 28 Oct 1841 in St Pancras London and died on 25 Jan 1914 in Virginia Water SRY.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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