The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Capt William JULIUS R N [689]
UNKNOWN [35082]
William JULIUS of Basseterre [687]
Frances (Anne) Mary CHARLES [688]

John JULIUS [696]


Family Links

1. Mary WHARTON [699]

2. UNNAMED WOMAN [12074]

John JULIUS [696]

  • Born: 21 Jan 1732/33, St Kitts Leward Is Carribean
  • Baptised: 18 Apr 1734, Christ Church Nicola Town St Kitts
  • Marriage (1): Mary WHARTON [699] on 7 Nov 1759 in St George Basseterre St Kitts. By Lic
  • Partnership (2): UNNAMED WOMAN [12074]
  • Died: 18 Nov 1813, Laura Pl Bathwick SOM aged 80
  • Buried: Holy Trinity Newton St Loe Bath

bullet  General Notes:

John, a plantation owner, was several times President of St Kitts & Antigua. He finally took up residence in London, and died at his home in Laura Palace, Bathwick, Somerset in 1813.
President Julius appointed Benjamin Amory to the Council of St. Christophers Dec. 1809.

Baptisms: Christchurch Nichola Town St Kitts.
1734 Apl 18 John son of Will and Anne Mary Julius
This transcription from 1930's conflicts as to John's mother?
Searched by Jill Christensen at the SOG London 2011

Baptisms Christ Church Nichola Town St Kitts
1766 Dec 14 Frances, a mull: abt 10 yrs reputed d of Jn JULIUS Esq., by a negro of Nich (Chas Taylor, Esq.,)
Searched by Jill Christensen SOG London 2011
This birth is not proven to John [696] but illustrates the mores of the time.

Register Christ's Church Nicola Town.
1734 April 18 John S to Mr William and Mrs Ann Mary Julius b January 21 preceding.
Ref: Caribbeana page 141.

John Julius, President of St Christopher, born 21 January 1733/34, died 18 November 1850, married at St George's, Basseterre, in 1759, Mary Wharton.
Ref: Caribbeana Pg. 78.

The Leeward Islands suffered a hurricane on the 31 Aug 1772, in the Parish of Christ Church Nicola Town John Julius Esq. reports 'The dwelling houfe much wrecked, and all the lower works down; the upper works damaged; the crop injured to the amount of about fifty hhds. Mr Caefar Julius, the then manager loft in fundry articlesto the amount of 100L
Ref: Government report (on computer file) St Kitts Hurricane 2008

Ownership of Hope & Colquhouns Estates,
Christ Church Nichola Town St Kitts.
Estate Owners
John Julius 1813 - 1815
John Julius junior 1817 - 1826
John Julius 1826 - 1826
Executor Estate Rev. John Julius Kerie 1826 - 1826
John Swindell 1 Feb 1826 - 1834

Indenture between Samuel Okes Taylor & John Julius - dated 7 August 1774
St. Christopher Archives Register Volume N, Series 2
Document Number 9231
Saint Christopher
This Indenture made the twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy four and in the fourteenth year of the Reign of his majesty George the Third of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth Between Samuel Okes Taylor of the Parish of Saint John Capisterre and Island of Saint Christopher Esquire of the one part and John Julius of the Parish of Christ Church Nichola Town and Island aforesaid Esquire of the other part
Whereas the said Samuel Okes Taylor is seized and possessed in his demesne as of Fee of and in a certain Stream of Fresh Water together with the Pipes and Aqueduct through which the same is conveyed and also of the Fee in the lands where Cesspools and other Buildings are erected and the pipes laid for the conveyance of the said Water under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Indenture made or mentioned to be made between John Estridge of the Parish of Christ Church Nichola Town in the Island of Saint Christopher Esquire of the one part and the said Samuel Okes Taylor by the name and description of Samuel Okes Taylor of the Parish of Saint John Capisterre and Island of Saint Christopher Esquire of the other part bearing date on or about the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven for the uses and purposes therein mentioned as will more fully and clearly appear by the said Deed of Indenture relation being thereunto had
And Whereas the said Samuel Okes Taylor for the consideration hereinafter mentioned hath agreed to Grant Bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unto the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns so much of the land of the said Samuel Okes Taylor on his Estate called Bevon Island as shall be necessary for conveying such proportion of the said Fresh Water to the Estate of the said John Julius commonly called the Hope situate in the Parish of Christ Church Nichola Town and Island aforesaid and for the purposes hereinafter mentioned
Now this Indenture Witnesseth that in pursuance of such agreement and for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy six pounds and four pence of current money of the said Island of Saint Christopher to him the said Samuel Okes Taylor in hand paid by the said John Julius at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said Samuel Okes Taylor doth hereby acknowledge and from every part thereof doth hereby exonerate and discharge the said John Julius his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns forever by these presents (and for other good and sufficient considerations him thereunto moving)
Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened and Confirmed and by these presents
Doth Grant Bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unto the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns forever the free use of such proportion of the said Fresh Water Aqueduct Pipes Cesspools Erections and Buildings And doth also by these presents Grant Bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unto the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns forever so much of the Land of him the said Samuel Okes Taylor on the Estate called Bevon Island as will be sufficient and necessary for conveying such part of the said Fresh Water to the Estate of him the said John Julius called the Hope and also for the purpose of erecting and building such proper and convenient Cesspools and other Buildings and laying such proper pipes or other conveyance as he the said John Julius his Heirs or Assigns shall judge most proper convenient or necessary for the more easy and effectual conveyance of the said Fresh Water from the lands of the said Estate called Bevon Island to the Estate of him the said John Julius called the Hope with free Ingress Egress and Regress by him the said John Julius his Heirs or Assigns or his or their workmen servants or slaves at any time or times hereafter in and through the lands of him the said Samuel Okes Taylor to rebuild relay amend support maintain and uphold such Cesspools Buildings Pipes or other conveyances as he the said John Julius his Heirs or Assigns shall judge expedient so as the same be not done wantonly and unnecessarily
To Have and to Hold the said proportion of the said Fresh Water and all and singular other the premises hereby Granted Bargained and Sold or mentioned or intended to be hereby Granted Bargained and Sold to him the said John Julius his Heirs or Assigns and to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever without any limitation or restriction whatsoever and the said Samuel Okes Taylor for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them Doth by these presents Covenant and Agree to and with the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns that he the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns shall and may peaceably and quietly have hold occupy possess and enjoy the said premisses hereby granted from henceforth forever without the Let Suit Trouble or Interruption of him the said Samuel Okes Taylor his Heirs or Assigns or any of them or of any other person whatsoever claiming any Right Title or Interest of in or to the said premises or any part thereof from by or under him or any otherwise howsoever
And Further that the said Samuel Okes Taylor his Heirs and Assigns and all and every other person or persons having or claiming any Estate Right Title or Interest of in or to the said premises hereby granted or intended so to be granted shall and will at the reasonable request of him the said John Julius his Heirs or Assigns and at his and their expence in the Law cause to be executed all such further and other Acts Deeds and Conveyances in the Law whatsoever as his or their Council learned in the law shall devise or advise for the better securing and assuring the said premises hereinbefore Granted Bargained and Sold unto him the said John Julius his Heirs and Assigns forever
In Witness whereof the said Samuel Okes Taylor hath hereunto set his Hand and Seal the day and year first above written
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
[signed] J. GARDINER
Received on the day and year first within written of and from the within named John Julius the sum of two hundred and seventy six pounds and four pence of current money of the said Island of Saint Christopher being the full consideration money within mentioned to be paid by the said John Julius to me the said Samuel Okes Taylor, I say received the same in full
[signed] J. GARDINER, Witness
Before the Honorable Craister Greatheed Esquire Chief Justice of his majesty's Court of Kings Bench and Common Pleas held in and for the said Island Personally appeared John Gardiner of the Island of Saint Christopher Esquire and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he was present as a witness and did see the within named Samuel Okes Taylor sign seal and as and for his Act and Deed deliver the within written Instrument for the Uses and Purposes therein mentioned and that he this deponent did also see the said Samuel Okes Taylor sign the receipt for the consideration money thereon indorsed and that the name and signature J. Gardiner thereunto severally set and subscribed as a Witness is and are of the proper hand writing of him this deponent.
[signed] J. GARDINER
Sworn before me this 7th day of September 1774
Entered in the Deed Register's Office on Saturday the eighth day of October 1774 about twelve o'clock at noon/Examined/ JOHN STANLEY, Regr.
[Transcribed July 28, 2015 by Ruth Case, Perry, Utah, USA, from a photograph taken of the hand-copied document in the deed registry listed above, on file at the St. Kitts National Archives, Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies.]
Ref: Document details by courtesy St Kitts National Archives Basseterre

St Kitts 27 May 1780.
A meeting was held of an Association of the inhabitants of the Island, various matters were resolved, a summary of donations at the end of the article records "John Julius £50"
Morning Chronicle London 1 Sept 1780

Deed of Gift by John Julius to his Daughter Elizabeth Mary Julius.
23 December 1780.
Knowall Men by these presents that I John Julius Esq of the Island of St Christopher for in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear towards my daughter Elizabeth Mary Julius of the aforesaid Island Spinster and for divers other good Causes and Considerations one hereunto moving Have given and granted and by these presents Do give and grant unto the said Elizabeth Mary Julius one Mulatto Woman Slave of mine called or known by the name Jenny Taylor and the issue increase and progeny of the said Mulatto Woman Slave And all my Estate right Title Interest use Trust property profits claims and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of us and to the said Mulatto Woman Slave and premises unto the said Elizabeth Mary Julius her Executors Administrators and Assigns for her and their own proper use and benefit for ever And I the said John Julius for myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators and Assigns Doth Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Elizabeth Mary Julius her Executors Administrators and Assigns that I the said John Julius my Heirs Executors and Administrators shall and will warrant and defend unto the said Elizabeth Mary Julius her Executors Administrators and Assigns the said Mulatto Woman Slave and premises hereby given and granted against myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever
In Witness whereof I the said John Julius have hereunder set my Hand and Seal this Twenty third day December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty
Jn Julius
Sealed and delivered In the presence of Ja Ward Jn Henry St Christopher Before the Honourable William Payne Georges Esq Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench and Common pleas he to for the said Island
Personally appeared John Henry of the said Island of St Christopher Esq who made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he was present and did see John Julius of the aforesaid Island Esq Sign Seal and as his Act and Deed deliver the aforegoing Instrument of Writing for the uses and purposes therein mentioned And that the Name Jn Julius subscribed at the foot of the Seal thereof is of the proper hand Writing of him the said John Julius And that also the Names Ja Ward and Jn Henry Subscribed as Witnesses to the due . . . . . of the respective proper Hands Writing of James Ward of the said Island of St Christopher and of the Deponent Jn Henry
Sworn before me this 30th day of December 1780
W P Georges
Ref: St Kitts Archives 10212 Julius to Julius gift Folio 90 copy document on file - C Macpherson 2013.

Register of St George and St Peter Basseterre 1747-1800
Burials 1773 Nov 18 Hy negro child property of John Julius.

Triennial Return of Slaves St Christopher Pg 346 1 Jan 1828.
John Julius Kerie files a return for the Estate of John Julius, Mansion.
The Estate has 137 slaves at the last return plus:
Patience black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
London black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Susanna female sambo 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Galloway black male 13 yrs Creole St Kitts field worker died.
Phillisand black female 70 yrs Creole St Kitts sick nurse died.
George Bowen black male 50yrs Creole St Kitts cooper died.
Abraham black male 30 yrs Creole St Kitts stock minder died.
Matty black male 34yrs Creole St Kitts field worker died.
Charlotte Fenton black female 40yrs Creole St Kitts field worker died.
Lucy black female 40yrs Creole St Kitts field worker died.
Total 133.
Note: Remaining on the first day of February 1826 and then delivered over to Mr John Swindell with the Estates.
J J Kerie 1 Jan. 1828.

Triennial Return of Slaves St Christopher Pg 346 1 Jan 1828.
John Julius Kerie files a return for the Estate of John Julius, Hope & Colhoun's.
The estate has 225 slaves at the last return plus:
Eleanor black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Paris black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Christeen black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Nanette black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Mary Baker black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Richard black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Kitty black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Catherine black female 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Richmond black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
John Isaac black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts by birth.
Joney Holden black male 2yrs Creole St Kitts died.
Nick black male 50yrs Creole St Kitts watch died.
Jack black male 35yrs African Congo field worker died.
Daniel Colhoun black male 40yrs Creole St Kitts watch died.
John Hercules black male Creole St Kitts died.
Sappho black female 45 yrs African Congo field worker died.
Total 229.
Note: Remaining on the first day of February 1826 and then delivered over to Mr John Swindell with the Estates.
J J Kerie 1 Jan. 1828.

Ref: Slave Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1813-1834 <>

Slave Ownership Compensation Claim ( John Julius, Charles Julius - not identified)
Parliamentary Papers p. 92. 2nd Nov 1835. 3 Enslaved: L52 3s. 11d. Colony: St Kitts Claim No: 589 Uncontested

"Yesterday died at his house in Laura-place, at an advanced age, John Julius, esq; whose death will be a source of deep regret to the large circle of friends."
Ref: Bath Chronicle of Thu 18 Nov 1813 p3:

Image Memorial Holy Trinity Newton St Loe Bath

bullet  Research Notes:

Caribbeana puts John's death date 18 November 1850 - not checked.

A Mrs Parnel Seaton [18783] widow had appointed John Julius of the Parish of St Mary Cayon in the Island of St Christopher her Attorney upon her departure from St Christopher for England, in a long and wordy document lacking detail, dated 21 Feb 1785. Interestingly in the transcription on file with E L Fenn 2002 John's son-in-law Jedediah Kerie has been added to the line appointing John as Mrs Seaton's attorney.
Ref London Metropolitan Archive ACC 1366/2 - there are 36 documents in this Seaton file

Letter from John Julius to Parnel Seaton [18783] St Christophers 3 Dec 1788. See Other Records below.
Ref: London Met Archive - ACC 1366/3

Parnel's Will, 8 June 1808, on file transcribed, John Julius of Bath named as an executor with his son in law Jedediah Kerie of St Mary Cayonne.
London Metropolitan Archives: Seaton, Parnell
Draft letter: Parnel Seaton, Twickenham to John Julius Concerning provisions of will and intention to provide for daughter, Mrs Caines, and family. Has been in poor health.
ACC/1366/021 ACC/1366-1
Dates of Creation: 1805 2 Mar

London Metropolitan Archives: Seaton, Parnell
Catalogue Ref. ACC/1366
Seaton, Parnell, 1766-1838
FILE. Unexecuted letter of attorney. Ref. ACC/1366/002. 21 Feb 1785
John Julius of parish of St. Mary Cayon, island of St. Christopher, esq.

FILE - Draft letter: [Parnel Seaton], Twickenham to [John Julius] Concerning provisions of will and intention to provide for daughter, Mrs Caines, and family. Has been in poor health. - ref. ACC/1366/021 - date: 1805 2 Mar

1809 September. John Julius, President of St. Kitts, writes that President Tyson died on 7 September, and that he has taken on the government.
Ref: History of Antigua Vol 1 1894. V L Oliver

Caribbeana page 81. - President Julius appointed Regiment Amory to the Council of St Christopher December 1809. (Charles James Fox Julius married a Barbara Louise Amory in 1835)

1814, January 20. John Julius, President of St. Kitts, writes to say that the government has devolved on him.
Ref: History of Antigua Vol 1 1894. V L Oliver

1814, May 13. President John Julius says that Rowland Burton, the Chief Justice, died on 28 April, and that he has appointed the Senior Assistant Justice, James Athill, as his successor.
Ref: History of Antigua Vol 1 1894. V L Oliver

A William P Seaton is mentioned in the British Slave Register 1812-1834 for St Kitts with 3 servants pg 26. Also a Juliana Fenton pg.35
Slave Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1813-1834

London Metropolitan Archives:
Catalogue Ref. ACC/1075
Is this Julius one of the family?

Letter? from Pinney & Tobin to John Julius dated 12 Oct 1787, pg 134 "The Trade of Bristol in the Eighteenth Century" by W E Minchinton, published Bristol Record Society No 20 1957
Not searched 2009.

John Julius was Executor for the estate of Richard Wilson 1777 Will on file.


bullet  Other Records

1. John Julius: Sugar Estate, 1753, The Parish of St George Basseterre St Kitts WI.
John's estate marked in the lower right.
Image courtesy of Library of Congress USA
To read all estates see:

2. Letter from John Julius: To Parnel Seaton [18783] London, 3 Dec 1788, St Christophers WI.
St Christophers, 3 Dec 1788.
My Dear Madam
I am this moment favoured with your obliging letter of the 6th October by Packet and observe the contents, and which shall be properly attended to hereafter. The Packet by which this is to go is to sail in a few hours which prevents me writing to you so fully now as I wish, having many other letters of business in handto get ready for her. With regard to Mr Hammonds business be asured I shall always have pleasure rendering him or any other part of your family every little matter of service that may be in my power. I have just written a few lines to Mr Hammond to go by this opportuity and to which I be leave to refer you
It is now some time since I did myself the pleasure of writing to you and which has been partly owing to the disappointments of Mr Woodley in the discharge of your annuity which became due the 1st August last on the late Mr Vanderpool's Estate although I have frequently applie to him for it; his excuse is always that the late Mr Rawlinds Estate and the Estates owned by Mr Gaegan are to pay certain proportions of it and as soon as he can settle with them he will with me., upon this my answers have always been to him that my instructions from you are clear and pointed to look to him and him only for payment.
However I hope from now to settle the matter for you as there is now an Attorney arrived from England authorised to Act by the Trustees of Mr Gaegan's Estates which there was not before since the death of the late Mr William Beach.
I am very sorry to say I have not been able to get rid of any of your slaves although I have lately attempted to dispose of them at Vendue for you, but from there being so well known I could not procure one half their value.
I am now giving Bogie and Fanny a tryal in my field and should they answer I will take them myself for my new purchased Estate, that, that was my late brother's at Nichola Town. Fanny I think may do but I fear Bogie is too great a rascal ever to be reclaimed, as he has given me more trouble within the last six months than all the Negros I am owner of.
Now my dear Madam I come to a part of this letter on which occasion I scarcely know how to express myself as you might suppose my feelings on the most melancholy and unhappy situation of my dear child are most severely wounded as well as those of her poor unfortunate mother and we feel it the more from the trouble we are sensible she has and must give you, you and my most worthy friend Mrs Morgan. However all that I can now pay on the occasion is that I hope God will be so good as to spare her to us that she may live to prove to you and every part of your good family that she has a true sense of gratitude and believe me when I assure you I shall never forget the kindness and attention she has met with from you and my very respectable good friend Mrs Morgan after her arrival in England and from my most worthy friends Mr & Mrs Caines during the passage home. I beg you will tell my dear Nancy we are all well and send one in all our love to her; and God grant that your next letter forward more satisfactory accounts of than the postscript of your letter has although that is somewhat flattering.
I beg you will be so kind as to tell my good friend Mrs Morgan that I had the pleasure of receiving her truly friendly and obliging letter of the 3rd Sept for which and all other kindnesses I beg she will receive my best thanks.
Mrs Julius with every other part of my family join with me in Love and Compliments to you all and may God protect you in the sincerest wish of My Dear Madam.
Your Obliged and Humble Servant
Jno Julius.
Image of this letter displayed.
The daughter referred to is presumed to be Elizabeth Mary.
Ref: London Met Archive - ACC 1366/3

3. John Julius: Will, 29 May 1812.
Image 6 pages of 12 pages 01

Dated 29 May 1812, with Codicil 2 Nov 1813.
In the name of God Amen . . . . . I John Julius of the parish of St Marys Cayon in the Island of St Christophers in the West Indies but now residing in Laura Place in the parish of Bathwick in or adjoining the City of Bath in the County of Somerset Esq being of sound and disposing memory . . . . .
To his wife Mary wife L100 & an annuity for L400 a year.
To his daughter Elizabeth Mary, wife of Jedediah Kerie now of Bath, L5,000, (6000 Navy 5% stock to be held in trust for life).
To his daughter Ann Mary Wharton, wife of Aretas Estridge Esq., L5000, (6000 5% Navy stock to be held in trust for life)
To son John Julius slave, horses, cattle,stock, utensils and erects on the Plantation in St Christophers, L5134.
To G'son Jedediah Kerie at 21yrs L500, and gold watch & chain.
To G'dau Maria Kerie at 21 or on marriage L500 & items valued at L1000.
To G'dau Elizabeth Kerie at 21 or on marriage L50 & items valued at L500
To G'son William Kerie at 21 L50 & items valued at L500.
To G'dau Frances Kerie at 21 or on marriage L50 & items valued at L500.
To G'dau Mary Estridge at 21 or on marriage L50 & items valued at L500.
To G'son John Julius Estridge at 21 L50 & items valued at L500.
To G'son Aretas Estridge at 21 L50 & items valued at L500.
To G'son John Julius Kerie at 21 L100.
To Jedediah Kerie gold watch and chain
To Fanny a slave L20. annuity for life.
To Johnny a slave L20. annuity for life.
To John Julius, son, slaves, horses, cattle, stock, utensils.

1. Some grandchildren had lived with him and had conducted themselves in a satisfactory and pleasing manner with the greatest attention and affection for him
2. His grandson Jedediah Kerie is bequeathed his grandfather's gold watch. His brother John Julius Kerie had already had a similar present.
3. The Hon Benjamin Amory of St Christophers, Butler Claxton of the City of Bristol, Jedediah Kerie son-in-law, Henry Fauntleroy to have I 0 guineas each to buy mourning rings and to recompense them for their trouble as executors.
4. Manumits and makes free from slavery slaves on the estates, only certain slaves are involved, there is a reference to slaves in the bequest to John Julius his son
5. References to Mansion House estate property of late brother William Julius and annuity to Jane Smith Julius his brothers widow and relict.
6. Provisions made if son John Julius has no lawfully begotten children.
7. Elizabeth Mary Kerie to have all plate which is to be held by her and her husband and after their deaths to their children.
8. Elizabeth Mary Kerie to have also household goods furniture lines? books pictures glass and china and the stock of wines and liquors in he dwelling house.
9. Refers to purchase of a house - the purchase was apparently not completed.
Signed Jno Julius 29th May 1812.
Witnesses; Alexr Grant surgeon 12 Charles Place Bath, Henry Mant, Solicitor Bath. Henry David Haverfield, Clerk to Mr Mant.
Witnesses to Codicil; Henry Mant, Job Bate?, Henry David Haverfield.

Will of John Julius Snr. Prob 11 1550 fol. 604. IR 26 582/ 812. Will made 29 May 1812 with codicil 2 Nov 1813 - in all 12 pages Proved London 8 Dec 1813

This summary is based on the will, and on the Inland Revenue papers which set out more clearly the various bequests, it is a very long verbose and difficult to read Will, some matters mentioned in the Will do not appear in the Inland Revenue papers where Jedediah is spelt Jebediah. However as Jedediah seems the correct spelling this has been used. In the Inland Revenue papers, against the name of Henry Fauntleroy, one of the executors, some one has written in pencil "Hanged" and has made a little drawing of a gibbet with a man hanging from it. The writing is not the same as the writing of the Inland Revenue details but it seems to be probably contemporaneous.
The humorous notation "hanged" etc above refers to Fauntleroy's conviction for forgery, fraud and misappropriation of a supposed L250,000 causing the failure of the bank Marsh Sibbald & Co. He was hanged on 30th Nov 1824. An unanswered question in 2011 is, was Julius money involved?

Transcription of the Will of John Julius
29th May 1812
In the name of God amen
I John Julius late of the parish of St Mary Cayon in the island of St Christopher's in the West Indies but now residing in Laura place in the parish of Bathwick in or adjoining the city of Bath in the county of Somerset Esq., being in a sound and disposing memory and understanding do make & publish this is my last Will and Testament the manner and form following that is to say first I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Julius the sum of one hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain to be paid to her by my exors herein after named within ten days next after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my said wife for and during the term of her natural life an annuity or clear yearly sum of four hundred pounds of lawful and Stirling money of Great Britain by equal half yearly payments the first payment to be made on the day six months next following my decease and to be issuing and payable out of my real Estates in the said Island of St Christopher hereto? my estate or plantation termed or called by the name of the Hope in the said island is not otherwise subject to dower as it was bought in trust and I do hereby express and declare that the said annuity together with the said pecuniary legacy above by me given & bequeathed to or in favour of my said wife are by me intended to be & accepted & taken by her in full bar recompense & satisfaction of all dowered thirds which my said wife can or otherwise may challenge claim and demand or be entitled to of or in to or out of all or any of my plantations or real or personal estates and I do hereby direct that when and as often as the said annuity or yearly rent thereon hereinbefore given to my said wife shall be unpaid by the space of thirty days next after either of the said days whereon the same shall from time to time become due and shall have been lawfully demanded it shall and may be lawful for my said wife into and upon all my plantations or Estates or into or upon any or other of them to enter and distrain for the same and such distress and distresses to take away keep or otherwise to sell and dispose of the same as in cases of distress for rent to satisfy such annuity and the arrears thereof with all costs and expenses attaching the taking keeping and selling of such distress and distresses
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie the wife of Jedediah Kerie late of the said island of St Christopher's but now residing in the said city of Bath Esq the sum of five thousand pounds sterling and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to her within twelve calendar months next after my decease with interest for the same sum at the rate of five pounds sterling money of Great Britain per centum per annum from the time of my death until the same shall be paid but in case my said daughter shall happen to die in my life time or before the said sum of five thousand pounds shall be paid then it is my will and I direct my executors herein after named to pay the same sum of five thousand pounds with such interest as aforsd and from the time of my decease to my son-

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-in-law the said Jedediah Kerie as a trustee for the children by my said daughter and to be divided amongst them equally or in such shares and proportions and to be paid and payable at such ages and times as the said Jedediah Kerie shall think proper also I give and bequeath unto the said man? Jedediah Kerie my son John Julius the younger Henry Fauntleroy of Berners Street London Esquire and my grandson has revd John Julius Kerie the sum of five thousand pounds of like lawful and stirling money of Great Britain to be paid to them within twelve calendar months next after my decease with interest for the same at the rate of five pounds of like sterling money of Great Britain per centum per annum from the time of my decease until the said shall be paid in trust that they the said Jededia Kerie John Julius the younger Henry Fauntleroy and John Julius Kerie and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors and admons of such survivor do and shall put place and continue the same out at interest in their or some and or one of their names or name as they may agree upon either on Government security or funds of Great Britain or on other good security or securities as they the said trustees or survivors or survivor of them or the executors or admons of such survivor shall think proper and shall and do of and be possessed of and interested in the said principle sum of five thousand pounds and the stocks funds and securities wherein the same such shall be placed out or invested on the trusts following that is to say in trust from time to time during the natural life to pay the net interest dividends and profits thereof when an as the same shall become due and be by them received into the proper hands of my daughter an Ann Mary Wharton Estridge wife of Aretas Estridge of the said island of St Christopher Esq to such person or persons and in such manner and form as the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge after the receipt or receipts thereof by my said trustees or trustee for time being and not by way of anticipation? of all or any part or parts of the said interest dividends and profits shall from time to time by any writing? to be by her signed with her name with her own proper hand writing notwithstanding her present or any future coverture and as if she were sole and unmarried direct or appoint to and for the sole and separate use and comfort of the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge to the intent that the same or any part of thereof shall not in any wise be subject or liable to the disposal intermeddling control order debts or enjoyment of the said Aretas Estridge her husband or of any future husband or husbands with which she may intermarry but remain absolutely at her own separate disposal in the same manner as if she were sole and unmarried and . . . . . & immediately after her decease In trust that that they my said Trustees & the survivors and survivor of them and the exors and admons of such supervisor shall and so pay assign transfer and dispose of the said principle sum of five thousand dollars and the stock funds and securities wherein the same shall then happen to be invested unto such person and persons for such Estate and Estates and in such manner and form as the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge by her last Will and Testament or any codicil thereto or any

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writing in the nature of our last Will and Testament or Codicil whether she shall be married or sole and notwithstanding her present or any future coventure shall bequeath direct or appoint the same or any part thereof and in default of any such bequest direction or appointment by my said daughter or in case she shall mistake any such which shall not be a complete and entire disposition of the whole of the said principal sum of five thousand pounds then I give the whole or so much thereof as shall be undisposed of by my said daughter with the interest dividends and profits thereof from the time of her decease unto and amongst all and every the present and future children of the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge equally to be divided between them share and share alike the shares of such of them as being sons to be paid at the age of twenty one years & the shares of such of them being daurs to be paid at the age of twenty one years or day or days of marriage which shall first happen
I give and bequeath to my grandson Jedediah Kerie the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful and stirling money of Great Britain
I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Marie Kerie the sum of five hundred pounds off like money
I give and bequeath to my said grandson John Julius Kerie the sum of one hundred pounds off like money and
I give and bequeath to my other grand children Elizabeth Kerie William Kerie Frances Kerie Mary Estridge John Julius Estridge and Aretas Estridge the sum of fifty pounds a piece of like money and I Will that the said several legacies to my said grandchildren shall be paid as follows to my grandsons when they shall attain the age of twenty one years and to my grand daughters when they shall attain the age of twenty one years or day or days of marriage which shall first happen but in case any or other of my grand children shall die before their respective legacies shall become payable I direct that the same legacies shall from thenceforth suit? into and become part of my residuary Estate the reason of my making that above difference in my bequests to my grandchildren arises from my having brought to England with me from the West Indies the two former when very young their living with me until they had finished their education? and having conducted themselves whilst with me in a satisfactory & pleasing manner and with the greatest attention and affection to me
I give to my grandson Jedediah Kerie my gold watch & chain having already made a present of that kind to his brother John Julius Kerie
I give and bequeath unto the . . . . . Benjamin Amory of the Island of St Christopher's aforesaid Butler Claxton of the City of Bristol Esq? my said son-in-law Jedediah Kerie and the said Henry Fauntleroy . . . . . executors each? wherewith I request them to purchase a ring as a token of my respect for them and a small recompense for the trouble they may have in executing the trusts in this my Will reposed in them respectively and in full confidence that they will severally so do to the utmost of their power
I give and bequeathed to my mulatto woman Stowe Fanny one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds current money of the said island of St Christopher to be paid to her yearly and every year during her natural life the first payment . . . . . to be paid on the day twelve months

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next following my decease and I do so by this my Will manumit and make free from slavery my said mulatto woman slave named ffanny and all her children grand children and great grandchildren also I do thereby manumit and make a free from slavery my mulatto boy slave named Sami? son of my negro woman named Best and also my mulatto girl slave named Matsey? daur? of my Negro woman named Prissy all of them in the said island of St Christopher and also in consideration of his fidelity and service I do hereby manumit and make free from slavery my mulatto man slave named Johnnie by trade a carpenter now also in the said island of St Christopher and I give unto my said mulatto man slave named Johnnie an annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty pounds money of the said island of St Christopher to be paid yearly and every year for and during that time of the natural life the first payment to be made on the day twelve months next after my decease which said two last mentioned annuities shall be issuing and payable out of my plantations and Estates and in case the said annuities shall be unpaid by the space of thirty days next after the same shall from time to time become due and shall have been lawfully demanded it shall and may be lawful for the said annuitants into and upon all my plantations or Estates or into upon any or either of them to enter and distrain for the same and such distress and distresses to take away and keep or otherwise to sell and dispose of the same as in cases of distressed . . . . . appears struck out . . . . . also keep . . . . . or sell and distrain of for . . . . . to satisfy such annuitys and the arrears thereof with all the costs and expenses attending the taking keeping and reprising? of such distress and distresses
I give devise and bequeath unto the said Benjamin Amery Butler Claxton my said son in law Jedediah Kerie and the said Henry Fauntleroy all that my plantations and the Estate formally called Couplers? Island but now generally called or known by the name of the Hope Estate lying and being in the parish of Christ's Church Nicholas town in the island of St Christopher afsd and also all that my other plantation or estate situate lying and being in the parish of Christ Church Nicholas town in the said island of St Christopher called or known by the name of the Mansion heretofore the property of my late brother William Julius deceased and some time since then purchased by me subject to an annuity or yearly sum of three hundred pounds sterling money of Great Britain to Jane Smith Julius the widow and relict which is to continue payable during her life in such manner as heretofor paid by me and also all that my Plantations or Estate where I some time since purchased of and from the heirs of James Areis Esq deceased formerly called Gregory's but since Alford? by me and now called by the name of the Key situated in the parish of St Mary's Cayon in the said island of St Christophers with all and singular that messuages buildings ffeatures lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with all and every the Negroes and other slaves save and except such as are herein before by me manumented and made free horses mules cattle stock plantations implements and utensils and all other matters and things whatsoever from

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the said plantation estates being thereunto belonging or thereon usually wanted or employed and the present and future issue offspring and increase of the females of the said slaves with all and singular other the benefits and appurtenances usually secured held or taken to be as part parcel or member thereof or of any part or parcel thereof and also all other my buildings lands tenements hereditaments and estates whatsoever situate and being in the said island of St Christopher and all my right title and interest of in to or out of the same Estates respectively to have and to hold the said plantations messuages buildings land tenements and heredits negroes and other slaves except as before those noted and the present and future interest issue offspring and increase of the families of the said Slaves horses mules cattle stock plantation implements and utensils estate and effects and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances subject nevertheless to the charge and chargeable with the payment of all and each and every of the said annuities or yearly sums herein by me made? and bequeathed to the several and respective annuitants herein before named and the powers and rewards? hereby given for receiving? and enforcing payment thereof and subject two and chargeable with the payment of the several legacies herein before by me given and bequeathed to the several and respective legatees hereinbefore named in case my residuary personal estate shall perhaps? prove insufficient to satisfy the same unto the said Benjamin Amory Butler Claxton Jedediah Kerie and Henry Fauntleroy and their heirs and assigns to for and upon the several uses trusts ends intents and purposes and under and subject to the powers provisions limitations declarations and agreements hereinafter expressed limited and declared of and concerning the same that is to say to the use of my said son John Julius and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without imposition? of or for any manner or reason? And from and after the determination of that estate by forfeiture or otherwise in the life time of my said son John Julius to the use of the said Benjamin Amery Butler Claxton Jedeiah Kerie and Henry Fauntleroy and their heirs during the natural life of my said son John Julius in trust to support & preserve the contingent? uses and estates hereinafter limited from being defeated or destroyed and for that purposes to make entries and bring actions as the case shall require yet nevertheless to permit and suffer my said son John Julius and his assigns during his life to receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof to and for his and their own use and comfort and from and after his decease then subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable as aforesaid to the use of the first second third fourth and all and every son and sons of the body of my said son John Julius lawfully begotten or to be begotten severally and successively and in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth and of the several and respective heirs male of the body and respective bodies of all and every such son and sons lawfully issued the older of such sons & their heirs male of his body always to be preferred & take preference before the younger of such son & sons and the heirs male of his and their body and respective bodies so issuing and for default of such issued their subject nevertheless

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to and charged and chargeable as aforesaid to the use of all and every the daughter and daughters of the body of my said son John Julius lawfully begotten or to be begotten equally to be divided between or among them if more than one share and share alike and too rate as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and of the heirs of the body and respective bodies of all and every such daughter and daughters lawfully issuing and failing issue of any of the said daughters then as to the share and shares as were? accruing as original of such daughter and daughters whose issue shall fail to the use of all and every other such daughter and daughters rotate in like manner as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and of the heirs of the body and respective bodies of all and every such daughter and daughters lawfully issuing and in case all such daughters save one? shall die with out issue or if there shall be but? one such daughter then to the use of such one or only daughter has the heir of her body and for default of such issue then as to for and concerning? one divided moiety or half part the whole into two equal parts or shares to be provided? of and in the said plantations messuages buildings lands tenements and heredits Negroes and other slaves except as before excepted and the present and future issue offspring & increase of the females of the said slaves horses mules cattle stock plantation implements and utensils estate and effects as aforesaid limited in use with the appurtenances subject nevertheless to and charged and charges as aforesaid to the use of my said daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie the wife of the said Jedediah Kerie and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life without impediment of & for any manner or reason? and . . . . . from and immediately after her decease as to for and concerning the said one undivided moiety or half part of the said heredits and premises as subject nevertheless to and charges and chargeable as of four said to the use of the said Jedediah Kerie and his assigns for and to his use for the term of his natural life without impediment of or for any manner of waste and from and immediately after the several deeds? of the said Jedediah Kerie and my said daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie his wife there to for and concerning the said one undivided moiety or half part of the said heredits and premises subject nevertheless to charges and chargable as aforesaid to the use of my said grandsons the Revd John Julius Kerie and Jedediah Kerie the younger their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in Common and not joint Tenants and as to for concerning? the other undivided moiety or half part the whole into two equal parts or shares to be divided of and in the said plantations messuages buildings lands tenements heredits negros and other slaves except as before excepted and the present and future issue offspring and increase of the ffemales of the said slaves horseses mules cattle stock plantation implements & utensels Estate and effects herein before limited in use with the with the appurts from & after the decease of my said son John Julius the younger and and on failure of issue of his bdyas aforesaid and subject nevertheless to and charged and chargable as aforesaid to the use of the said Benjamin Amory Butler Claxton Jedediah Kerie & Henry Fauntleroy and their heirs for and during the natural life of my said daughter Ann Wharton Estridge to for & upon the several trusts and intents & purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to

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say upon trust that they the said Benjamin Amory Butler Claxton Jedediah Kerie and Henry Fauntleroy and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs do and shall during the natural life of my said daughter Ann Mary Wharton Estridge pay the rents issues and profits of the said last mentioned undivided moety of the said plantations messuages buildings lands tenements hereditaments & premises with the appurts when and as the same shall become due & be by them received into the proper hands of my said daughter Ann Mary Wharton Estridge or to such person or persons and in such manner and form as the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge after the receipt or receipts thereof by my said trustees or trustee for the time being and not by way of anticipation of all or any part or parts of the said rents issues & profits shall from time to time by any writing to be by her signed with her name of her own proper handwriting notwithstanding her present or any future covenant and as if she were sole and unmarried direct or appoint to and for the sole and separate use and benefit of the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge to the intent that the same or any part thereof shall not in any wise be subject or liable to the disposal or intermeddling control? order debts or engagements of the said Aretas Estridge her husband or of any future husbands or husband with whom she may intermarry but may absolutely at her own separate disposal in the same manner as if she were sole and unmarried and from and immediately after her decease as to for and concerning the said last mentioned undivided moiety or half part of that said . . . . . and promises subject nevertheless to an charges and chargeable as aforesaid to the use of my said grandson John Julius Keire and Jedediah Kerie the younger there heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and in case my said grandsons the said John Julius Kerie and Jebebiah Kerie the younger there heirs and assigns shall under and by a revoked? of the limitations of this my Will contained . . . . . to and be in the possession of the whole and entirety of my said plantations messuages buildings lands tenements heredits and premises with their appurtenances there and in that event I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren hereinafter named in case they shall be then living but not so otherwise in addition to any legacy before given to them by this my Will the several legacies or sums of money hereinafter mentioned that is to say unto my grand daughter Harriet Kerie the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful sterling money of Great Britain unto my grand children Elizabeth Kerie William Kerie Francis Kerie Mary Estridge John Julius Estridge Aretas Estridge do some of five hundred pounds apiece of like money the said several legacies or sums of money in the event aforesaid to be deemed and taken to be a charge upon my said plantations messuages buildings lands tenements and hereditiments and not on my personal estate and to be raised and paid out of my said plantations and real estate unto my said grandchildren or to such of them as shall live to become entitled thereto . . . . . year next after my said grandchildren John Julius Kerie and Jedediah Kerie the younger there heirs or assigns shall come into the possession of my said plantations real estate is as aforesaid provided always and my Will & mind is that such part and parts of the said Negroes and other

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slaves and the present and future issue offspring increase of the females of the said slaves horses mules cattle stock plantation implements interests matters and things hereintofor limited in use together and along with my said plantations and real Estates as is or are of the nature of chapel interest or personal estate shall go along with my said plantations and real Estates and be subject to the same uses trusts ends intents & purposes as are herein before mentioned expressed and declared of & concerning my said plantations & real estates and shall also be subject and liable to the same powers provisions limitations declarations & agreements or as near hereto as can or may be and the rules of law & equity will aducit provided always and I do hereby declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said several tenants for life hereinbefore named respectively as and when they shall respectively come into and be in the definit? possession of my said plantations lands messuages tenements heredits and premises or any part thereof for any estate for life by virtue of or under this my Will from time to time to demise? or lease the same or any part or parts thereof unto any person or persons whomsoever for such number of years and upon such terms and subject to such restrictions conditions and in such manner as plantations and Estates of the like compared? in the said island of St Christopher and usually letton? by Tenants for life upon & subject to and according to the laws usages and customs of the said island so as upon every such lease there be reviewed and made payable during the continuence thereof to be incident to the revision apertenent? thereon the best and most improved yearly rent that can be reasonably had or gotten for the same at the time of making or granting such lease without taking any fine or fforfet? for the making or granting thereof & so as no lessee to whom any such lease shall be made shall be made by any clause or words therein contained freed from imposition? of or made disputable? for waste? and so as in every such lease there be contained a condition for renting in case that rent thereby to be received be behind an unpaid by the space of fforty two days and so as the respective lessees to whom such lease or leases shall be made or granted to severally duly constituted counterparts of their respective leases and all the rest residue anRefd remainder of my goods chattels ready money money in my bankers? hands money in the funds debts? and securities for money and all that my personal Estate and affects not hereinbefore particularly given & sequestered after and subject to the payment of all my just debts funeral expenses and the costs and charges of proving this my Will and all other incidental and necessary charges and expenses and the several legacies and bequests hereinbefore given and bequeathed except such legacies to my said grand children as exclusively charged on my plantations and real Estates in the event hereinbefore mentioned
I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said son John Julius and executors advisers and assigns for the and their own proper use & benefit & I do hereby authorise and empower my said trustees and the survivors or survivor of the one and executors and administrators from time to time as often as they shall see proper to alter exchange the securities on which the trusts money is hereby given shall at that time of my decease or at any time thereafter & placed out & from time to time as often as they shall think fit again to place out the same upon Government or other good and sufficient
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real security and securities and it is my Will and I do hereby desire that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees and executors and other survivors and survivor of them and the heirs executors and admons of such survivor by and out of all or any of the moneys which by virtue of this my Will shall come to their or either of their hands to retain and reimburse themselves and himself and also to pay to their Co Trustees and exors all such costs charges and expenses as they respectively shall or may sustain expend or be put unto in or about the execution of or any part of the trusts aforesaid and also that they my said trustees and exors and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs executors and administrators of such survivor respectively shall be charged and chargeable only for and with this and their own respective receipts and payments act's and wilful defaults and not otherwise and shall not be charged or chargeable with or for any such or sum of money other than such as shall actually and respectfully come to the and their hands by virtue of this my Will nor shall they or any or other of them be answerable or accountable for any agent banker or other person whom they or either of them shall employ entrust or deal with for any of the purposes aforesaid upon any or either of the said trusts nor for any loss or damage which may happen to my estate or any part thereof without his or their or either of their wilful default and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Benjamin Amory my said son in law Jedediah Kerie and Henry Fauntleroy joint exors in trust of this my Will and I do hereby revoke and make void all former other wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in ten sheets of paper set my hand and seal viz to the nine first sheets thereof my hand only and to the tenth and last sheet my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve.
Jno Julius
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named John Julius testor as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto: Alexr Grant surgeon 12 Charles St Bath. Henry Maur solicitor Bath. Henry David Haverfield clerk to Mr Maur Bath.

Whereas I John Julius late of the parish of St Mary Cayon in the island of St Christopher in the West Indies but now residing in Laura place in the parish of Bathwick in or adjoining the city of Bath in the county of Somerset Esquire have duly made & executed by last Will and Testament bearing date twenty nineth day of May one thousand and eight hundred and twelve now I do ordain & declare this to be a Codicil to my said will and that the same shall be taken as part thereof whereas by my said Will I have given & bequeathed unto my daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie wife of Jedediah Kerie late of the said island of St Christopher but now residing in the said City of Bath the sum of five thousand pounds in lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to her within twelve calendar months

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next after my decease with interest as therein mentioned but in case my said daughter should happen to die in my life time or before the said sum of five thousand pounds should be paid then it was my will and I directed my executors therein after named to pay the said sum of five thousand pounds with such interest as aforesaid from the time of my decease to my son in law Jedediah Kerie as a trustee for the children by my said daughter and to be divided amongst them equally or in such shares and proportions and to be paid and payable at such ages and times as the said Jedediah Kerie should think proper now I do hereby revoke the said legacy or bequest of five thousand pounds and in lieu thereof I direct my executors immediately after my decease to transfer the capital sum of six thousand pounds navy five percent to my said daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie if she shall be then living or to her said husband as a trustee for the said children in case my said daughter shall happen to die in my lifetime and whereas by my said Will I have given and bequeathed unto the said Jedediah Kerie my son in law John Julius the younger Henry Fauntleroy of Berners Street London Esq and my grandson the Revd John Julius Kerie the sum of five thousand pounds of like lawful and Stirling money of Great Britain to be paid to them within twelve calendar months next after my decease with interest as therein mentioned in trust to place the same out at interest and to stand possessed thereof with the securities wherein the same shall be invested upon the trusts following that is to say in trust from time to time during the natural life to pay the interest thereof into the proper hands of my daughter Ann Mary Wharton Estridge wife of Aretas Estridge of the said island of St Christopher Esq or to such person or persons and in such manner and form as the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge after the receipt or receipts thereof by my said trustees or trustees for the time being and not by way of anticipation should from time to time by any writing to be by her signed with her name of her own proper handwriting notwithstanding her present or any future coverture and as if she were sole and unmarried direct and appoint to and for the sole and separate use and comfort of the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge to the intent that the same or any part thereof should not in any wise be subject or liable to the disposal intermeddling control over debts or engagements of the said Aretas Estridge her husband or of any future husband or husbands with which she might intermarry but might absolutely be at her own separate disposal in the same manner as if she were sole and unmarried and after her decease in trust that they my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor should pay assign transfer & dispose of the said principal sum of five thousand pounds and the stocks funds and securities wherein that same shall happen to be invested unto such person and persons for such estate and estates and in such manner and form as the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge by her last Will and Testament or any Codicil thereto or any writing in the nature of a last Will and Testament or Codicil whether she should be married or sole and notwithstanding her present or any future coverture should bequeath direct or appoint the same or any part thereof and in default of any such bequest direction or appointment by my said daughter or in case she should make any such which should not be a complete and entire disposition of the whole of the said principal sum of five thousand pounds then I give the whole or so much thereof

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as should be undisposed of by my said daughter with the interest dividends from the time of her demise unto and amongst all and every the present and future children of the said Ann Mary Wharton Estridge equally to be divided them share and share alike the shares of such of them being sons to be paid at the age of twenty one years and the shares of them being daughters to be paid at the age of twenty one years or day or days of marriage which should first happen now I do hereby also revoke the last mentioned legacy or bequest of five thousand pounds and interest and in lieu thereof I direct my exors immediately after my decease to transfer the capital of six thousand pounds navy five per cents unto the said Jedediah Kerie my said son John Julius the younger Henrey Ffauntleroy and my said grandson the Revd John Julius Kerie to be held by them for the use and benefit of my said daughter Ann Mary Wharton Estridge and her children upon such? and the same trusts and to and for such and the same ends interests and purposes and with under and subject to such & the same trusts and to and for such and the same powers provisos declarations instructions and other agreements as are mentioned and professed & declared in and by my said Will of & concerning the said legacy of ffive thousand pounds so hereby revoked as aforesaid and to for and upon no other use trust intent or purpose whatsoever and whereas by my said Will I have given and bequeathed unto my grandson Jedediah Kerie the sum of ffive hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain payable at the age of twenty one years and to my granddaughter Maria Kerie the like sum of ffive hundred pounds of like money payable at the age of twenty one years or day of marriage which shall first happen now I do direct that if either of my said grandchildren Jedediah Kerie or Maria Kerie shall die in my lifetime that the legacy of him or her so dying shall not become lapsed and shift? into my residuary estate but shall be paid to the survivor of them and whereas by certain articles of agreement bearing date the twenty nineth day of October one thousand eight hundred and four made and entered into between Mary Bulgin? of the parish of Bathwick in the county of Somerset widow William Haylene? of the said parish of Bathwick gentleman the Revd Thomas Ellis of Bangor in the county of Caernarfon in North Wales and Jane the wife of Thomas Bulgin of the said parish of Bathwick gentleman of the one part and him the said John Julius of the other part purporting to be a contract for the purchase of the leasehold messuage or dwellinghouse and premises wherein I now live situate and being number 8 in Laura place in the said parish of Bathwick to be assigned and made over to me on before the twenty fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifteen in consideration of the sum of two thousand pounds to be then paid by me which same day was fixed for the completion of the said intended purchase in consequence of the moiety of one of the parties interested in the said premises and whereas and or and by virtue of certain other articles of agreement and out and into with the said parties I am in the

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occupation of the said premises until the said intended purchase can be completed as their tenant at the yearly rent of one hundred pounds and under and subject to such other payments covenants and conditions as in the said last mentioned articles are expressed and contained and whereas in contemplation of the same intended purchase I have laid out and expended a considerable sum of money in repairing and improving the said premises now it is my will & meaning and I do hereby give and bequeath all my estate and interest in the said messuage and premises under and by virtue of the said recited agreements and all benefit and advantage thereof respectively unto the said Jedediah Kerie his executors advisers and assigns to and for the and their own absolute use and benefit subject nevertheless to the payment as well of the said purchase money as of the said yearly rent and other payments and conditions as were agreed to be paid and performed by me as the Tenant of the said premises and it is my will that said yearly rent and other payments and conditions shall be paid and performed by the said Jedediah Kerie from the last quarter day preceding my demise
I give and bequeath all my plate to my said daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie and the said husband to be held and enjoyed by them during their joint lives and afterwards by the survivor of them and from and after the decease of the survivor of them then I give and bequeath the said plate to my said grandchildren Jedediah Kerie and Maria Kerie equally to be divided between them share and share alike but if either of them shall be by then dead then I give and bequeath the whole to the survivor of them and in case both my said two grandchildren shall be dead at the decease of their surviving parent then I give and bequeath the said plate to my grandson William Kerie also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth Mary Kerie all my household goods & furniture linen books pictures glass and china together with my stock of wines and liquors which shall be in my dwelling house at the time of my decease
I give and bequeath to my said granddaughter Marie Kerie the sum of ffive hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to her within six weeks after my decease over and above all other provisions and bequests made by me in her favour and I do hereby direct that the same shall be paid to her by her said father in consideration of the bequests hereinbefore made to him and my said daughter provided always and my will and meaning is that in case the said Marie Kerie shall happen to die in my lifetime then that the said sum of ffive hundred pounds shall be paid by the said Jedediah Kerie to my granddaughter Elizabeth Kerie and in case she shall also happen to die in my lifetime then that the said sum of ffive hundred pounds shall be paid by the said Jedediah Kerie to my granddaughter ffrances Calfe Kerie and lastly I do hereby ratify confirm my said Will in all other respects except as the same is hereby altered or revoked I am? witness whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand and seal the second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen - Jno Julius
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Julius as and for a Codicil to and to be taken as part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witness thereto
Henry Mant Sol Bath, Henry David Haberfield Clerk to H Mant

Proved at London with a Codicil 8th December 1818 before the Judge by the oath of Jedediah Kerie Esq and Henry Fauntleroy Esq two of the executors to whom admon was granted being sworn to admr power reserved to Benjamin Amory the other Exor.
Ref: PRO 11/1550
Transcribed by E L Fenn 2011 Copy of the Will on this file.

4. John Julius: Will, 29 May 1812.
Image 6 pages of 12 pages 02

5. John Julius: Memorial, 1813, St Loe Bath SOM.
A Memorial in the Church of Holy Trinity Newton St Loe Bath reads:
In a Vault beneath are deposited
the Remains of
of the Island of St Christopher
late of Bath
who died on the 8th of November 1813
Aged 81 Years.

6. Estate of Late John Julius: Triennial Slave Returns, 1817-1821, Mansion Estate Island of St Kitts WI.
A glimpse of slavery from Parish and the slave returns required by the British Government as it moved against the slave trade. Abolition finally took effect from 1 August 1834 with slave owners being compensated for the manumission of registered slaves.

Triennial Return of Slaves B.
Report from John Dawson Manager of the Mansion, Estate of late John Julius Esq. Last return 107 slaves plus:
Stephen Davis black male born 15 July Creole St Kitts by birth.
Frederick black male born 2 Oct Creole St Kitts by birth.
Toney black male born 11 Nov Creole St Kitts by birth.
Eliza black female born 14 Nov Creole St Kitts by birth.
William Bareen black male 25yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Sarah Fenton black female 60yrs Creole St Kitts useless died.
George Fenton black male 45yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Cuffy black male 60yrs African Mandingo boiler died.
Charles Gordon black male 3mths Creole St Kitts died.
Rose black female born 8 Jun Creole St Kitts by birth.
Davy black male born 26 Jun Creole St Kitts by birth.
Jenny black female born 22 Sep Creole St Kitts by birth.
Edward Foy male Sambo born 26 Oct Creole St Kitts by birth.
Mary black female born 2 Nov Creole St Kitts by birth.
Cornelius black male born 19 Nov Creole St Kitts by birth.
Eliza black female born 2mths Creole St Kitts by birth.
Carried forward slaves number 187
John Dago black male 3 yrs 10mths Creole St Kitts died.
Jeddy black male 9yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Elizabeth black female born 6 Feb Creole St Kitts by birth.
Babba black female born Creole St Kitts by birth.
Phibboo black female born 2 Apr Creole St Kitts by birth.
Fanny black female born 20 Apr Creole St Kitts by birth.
Bridget black female born 4 Sep Creole St Kitts by birth.
Dorinda Patton black female born 31 Dec Creole St Kitts by birth.
Dick Fenton black male 32yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Kildare black male 34yrs African Mandingo field died.
Betty black female 38yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Cara black female 30yrs African Mandingo field died.
Kitty Road black female 40yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Phibboo Hey black female 50yrs Creole St Kitts field died.
Nanny black female 70yrs Creole St Kitts superannuated died.
Juliet black female 30yrs African Mandingo field died.
Lucia black female 70yrs African Ebo superannuated died.
Frederick black male 1yr 6 mths Creole St Kitts died.
Edward Foy black male 1yr 2mths Creole St Kitts died.
Mary black female 11mths Creole St Kitts field died.
And so on see images of the actual returns

Ref: Slave Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1813-1834 <>

7. Estate of Late John Julius: Triennial Slave Returns, 1817-1821, Hope & Colhoun Estates Island of St Kitts WI.
A glimpse of slavery from Parish and the slave returns required by the British Government as it moved against the slave trade. Abolition finally took effect from 1 August 1834 with slave owners being compensated for the manumission of registered slaves.

Triennial Return of Slaves B.
Report from Samuel R Thomas Manager of the Hope & Colhoun Estates of John Julius deceased.
Slaves at last return 243 then by 9 Jan 1822 after 47 deaths and 35 births the number stood at 231. Employment ranged from grass gang, distiller, to useless.
For the details see images of the actual returns

Ref: Slave Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1813-1834 <>


John married Mary WHARTON [699] [MRIN: 220], daughter of Anthony WHARTON of St Kitts [350] and Elizabeth [1436], on 7 Nov 1759 in St George Basseterre St Kitts. By Lic. (Mary WHARTON [699] was born on 17 Sep 1743, baptised on 17 Feb 1743/44 in St Anne Sandy Point St Kitts and was buried on 22 Dec 1775 in St Anne Sandy Point St Kitts.)


John had a relationship with UNNAMED WOMAN [12074] [MRIN: 4049].

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